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  • Paul
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    • September 21, 2010, 10:28:58 pm
    • Seoul
This thread is for discussing the new textbook. If you have any reviews or opinions on this text, please place them below.

Please note that YBM has put out two textbooks for 2012. This is for the one pictured below.

Title: 영어5/6
Publisher: YBM [1/2]
First Listed Korean Author: 최희경
First Listed Foreign Author: 오마리아 (Maria Oh)
Chapters: 15
« Last Edit: August 02, 2012, 02:28:02 am by complex303 »
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  • Paul
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    • September 21, 2010, 10:28:58 pm
    • Seoul
Re: Textbook Review 2012 - YBM Book 1 (최희경, 오마리아)
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2011, 09:58:46 am »
I had a chance to "review" this one, as it was shortlisted by my school.

Before I start, some disclaimers:

This is my quick and dirty personal set of observations, not the school's. As such, it is very possible I've missed something. I've intentionally focussed on listing the technical aspects rather than posting a review per se. These are those niggling type issues that will ultimately drive you up the wall. I've also intentionally refrained from making any overall judgements and not provided my opinions on the syllabus and topic order (my coteacher shortlisted some books based on this, and I'd rather leave those suggestions up to someone with greater experience), so you'll find the syllabus isn't touched on at all here. Please check over these books yourself if asked for an opinion, especially the syllabus pages of the teacher's guide. If your school is in a hurry to choose between two or three good syllabuses/syllabi, then hopefully these notes may help you identify a few things to look for in the CD and books that are easily overlooked and make a decision.

 * * *

Student Book:
Thin, but moderately well bound. Survived a table smack. (4/5)
Severe lack of player cards in the back (1/5)
Plenty of English exists in the book, however, spaces for student writing is impractically small. (1/5)
Typesetting is questionable: entirely using Arial and Comic sans. No tracing sections and minimal ruled lines. (2/5)
Layout is consistent between chapters. (5/5)

Teacher’s Guide:
Comprehensive, but with a strong focus on listing English you may wish to use in class. All syllabus and pedagogical information is presented strictly in Korean. Shows a distinct lack of aids aimed at native speaking staff members, but this is unfortunately standard. (3/5)
Images of the student’s textbook appear throughout, but are not annotated. (4/5)
Syllabus pages are single page and fairly tidy. Aims are monolingual (Korean). (4/5)

CD Jewel case required breaking with scissors in the centre to release the CD itself. Two CDs tested were readable but would not load with the latest Flash installed on one computer, instead hanging on the opening screen. Functioned as intended on a different computer. (1/5)
A clickable book interface is available. Some minor delays occur when used. Poor colour contrast (green on green) makes my eyes genuinely hurt in places. (3/5)
Imagery on animated segments is very childish and seems cheap. Mild racial caricatures exist. (2/5)
Acting in live action segments is very unnatural. Most voice work appears to have been redubbed over and is echoey. Roughly on par with the standard set by the old National Curriculum books (2/5)
Average, when it works.

Age Appropriateness:
Questionable. The imagery depicts characters mostly a little younger than the age of the audience. (2/5)
Below Average

Other Notes:
Compacts the course into 15 chapters instead of 16. This is advantageous as the final chapter tends to be filler at best, or skipped at worst. This would allow for extra revision time at the end of the year. I feel this is a far superior decision to leaving a critical grammar point such as past tense to the last few weeks of the year.
Some chapter themes struck me as political at initial glance. This concerned me at first, being an English text, although having watched some of the videos related to the chapters in question, I can say they never stray from teaching English as a focus.
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  • complex303
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Re: Textbook Review 2012 - YBM Book 1 (최희경, 오마리아)
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2011, 11:38:38 am »
5th grade book: The English is very awkward, formal and would probably not be spoken in an English-speaking country. Lesson 1 is too easy. They avoid contractions. Chapter 14 should be chapter 1. 
The CD’s are voiced-over so the videos sound strange.  The actor’s lips don’t match the words.

6th grade book: The English is VERY awkward, formal and would probably not be spoken in an English-speaking country.  There are some VERY obvious grammar mistakes.
The CD is voiced-over.

This review may sound harsh, but I was actively trying to find mistakes.  Hope this doesn't offend anyone.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2012, 02:26:46 am by complex303 »

  • jgmenator
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    • February 27, 2011, 01:49:56 pm
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Re: Textbook Review 2012 - YBM Book 1 (최희경, 오마리아)
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2012, 02:29:28 pm »
My school chose this book (more accurately, my main co-teacher chose it without consulting any of the other English staff. Guh.)

I've only spent the past day working out what it's like, but I can already tell this book is not going to be the best. Even the interim books from last year were better. I feel like we've stepped backwards into the old gut-wrenchingly-horrible national curriculum.

There's WAAAAY too much Korean in the CD. All segments have directions written in Korean, with a man's voice reading them aloud, with no prompt. Just turn the page, and boom, male Korean voice reading the instructions before the class can even listen to the English directions the teacher was going to say.

The live-action scenes are dubbed over, making it feel like we're watching Godzilla at times. Nothing too horrendous during the 1st lesson, but I'm poised for catastrophe.
Also regarding the acting scenes, one of the videos has two girls (who are supposed to be talking to each other), both looking stage right when it pans to them, making the viewer realize "Wow, whoever directed this did not give a crap."

The dialogue is just awkward. "You're in the 1st grade. Congratulations. My name is Ms. Jong. Glad to meet you!" No no no no, just no. No one says that.

I'm sure I'll be finding more & more glaringly awful things as the weeks roll by.

So.... yay! Anyone else using this book?
I'll hopefully be making some lesson plans / material this week & post them up.

Do the moderators have any idea how the forum can handle a rush of new teachers, each dealing with one of eight new books? Shall we post materials like "Grade 6 - YBM (최희경, 오마리아) - Lesson 1" or something?


  • mavsfan5
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    • March 07, 2011, 07:32:38 am
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Re: Textbook Review 2012 - YBM Book 1 (최희경, 오마리아)
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2012, 12:45:49 pm »
I was just given the 5th grade teacher and student books and told to study I guess these are the ones we're using!

I haven't looked too in-depth...but my first two observations were:
1. Not many materials in the back  :o ....which to me means increased usage of the copy machine this years and/or lots more PPTs
2. In the teacher's book, the activity instructions are given in English  :) ...which makes me happy because before, half the time, I couldn't understand the activities.

And as we all probably know, most of the objectives are the same as last year throughout the text, so old PPTs and such can be revised to fit the new text!

We're all in this together!  8)

  • Wringhim
  • Waygookin

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    • February 24, 2012, 05:46:17 pm
    • South Korea
Re: Textbook Review 2012 - YBM Book 1 (최희경, 오마리아)
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2012, 09:12:30 am »
I just started working at a public school yesterday (first time in Korea, first time teaching ESL) and my teacher gave me these books and told me to prepare to use them. As it stands, I find them very confusing, but I'm attributing a lot of that to being new to the game.  I'm looking forward to seeing how you guys find them and I hope I can contribute some stuff, too. Are all textbooks usually THIS Korean? I have a hard time following what I'm supposed to do, exactly, since the instructions tend to not be in english. Can anyone offer some tips on how to intuit what I'm supposed to do? I have even more motivation to perfect my hangul now.

We're all in this together!  8)

I hope so :)

  • jgmenator
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    • February 27, 2011, 01:49:56 pm
    • South Korea
Re: Textbook Review 2012 - YBM Book 1 (최희경, 오마리아)
« Reply #6 on: February 29, 2012, 08:52:03 am »
So I've been deskwarming for the past week & a half, and I just can't bring myself to prepare for this book.

I've got the first day all planned out (PPT introduction of myself with a guessing game of which pic they think is a family member, pics of my past jobs here in Korea, class rules & rules review game [lucky wheel], then 2 Truths 1 Lie activity)...

But this book is just killing me. Really not feeling it.
I'm going to try and minimize the class time using it, but I know my co-teacher is going to treat it like gospel and require that we spend at least 20 min on it. Which means 20 minutes of the kids mindlessly doing "listen & repeat" with the books scattered (open or not) on their desks, like good little robots, not engaged or interested in the material at all.

But ok, let's be positive! We can do this!
I might be posting material today, and if not, hopefully by Friday. Let's get this ball rolling, y'all!

  • keirdre
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    • November 27, 2011, 06:20:53 pm
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Re: Textbook Review 2012 - YBM Book 1 (최희경, 오마리아)
« Reply #7 on: February 29, 2012, 01:42:40 pm »
This is my first time in a public school and we have this book.  Just started looking through it now - really not sure where to start.  Any advise on how to prepare?

  • jgmenator
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    • February 27, 2011, 01:49:56 pm
    • South Korea
Re: Textbook Review 2012 - YBM Book 1 (최희경, 오마리아)
« Reply #8 on: February 29, 2012, 02:00:17 pm »
This is my first time in a public school and we have this book.  Just started looking through it now - really not sure where to start.  Any advise on how to prepare?

For the first day with your students, preparing an introduction of yourself and a "get to know you/your classmates" activity seems to work the best. Especially as this is your first time here, the kids will be quite interested in you & where you're from. Search for icebreaker games / activities and you should get some ideas.

Regarding the book (which I'm starting on the second day), speaking with your co-teacher is the best route to go.
My CoT and I have a general pattern that we're continuing from last year:
1) Introduction, engage the kids. We show a movie for ~5min, with a ppt review.
2) Book work, usually with a worksheet or some sort of writing (since they get zero chance to write in the text books).
3) Game / Activity, usually ppt based, getting all the students involved. The more speaking the better, but control has to be maintained - I write GAME on the board, and if they get too noisy, hold up my hand and count down slowly from 5. Once it gets to 0, erase one letter (so it looks like GAM-). Repeat until necessary. The good kids (aka girls) usually start yelling at the bad kids (aka boys) to stop whatever horrible 6th grade boy thing it is that they're doing.
That seems to work well. I've only had to erase it all the way one time, and then I had them just put their heads down on their desks for the last 5-8 minutes of class. They did well the next time.

Also, it seems the mods have consolidated a bit, and the emerging thread for this book seems to be here:
Edit: Spoke too soon, the new link is...,30757.0.html
« Last Edit: February 29, 2012, 02:04:24 pm by jgmenator »

  • keirdre
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    • November 27, 2011, 06:20:53 pm
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Re: Textbook Review 2012 - YBM Book 1 (최희경, 오마리아)
« Reply #9 on: February 29, 2012, 02:04:05 pm »
Thank you for the advice.  I'm already doing an introductory / ice-breaker lesson.  Just having trouble trying to work out exactly what to do with the textbook!  I need to track down an English teaching guide :)

I like the standard lesson structure that you described though.  I just watched a video of a previous teacher here, and it was very similar.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2012, 03:27:36 pm by keirdre »

  • JCMccullough
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    • March 02, 2011, 10:34:06 am
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Re: Textbook Review 2012 - YBM Book 1 (최희경, 오마리아)
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2012, 12:35:22 pm »
    My school, or rather the Korean teachers at my school with the highest English ability, reviewed all the books and chose this one. I can't complain too much considering the textbook they had been using for the last 2 years here has been seriously out of date and didn't teach hardly any natural English.
    I am a bit astounded at the lack of activity sheets, cards, etc. in the back of the book. While I often find myself replacing these games with powerpoint games, worksheets, or board games I make's still nice to have the option or if I need to kill some time on a shorter lesson.
    I've only seen the 5th grade book so far, but there are some very awkward phrases just in the first couple of lessons. "I'm glad to meet you" is a phrase I rarely hear...maybe, "I'm happy to meet you" would be more appropriate. I'm not quite sure either why the entire book seems to be getting rid of the formal speech. While "How's it going?" is a very natural phrase often used, I believe they need to be continually taught "How are you?" as well.
    In the end it looks like I'll still be backing up the chapter with more information and explanations on formal/informal speech and making more power points, but that's nothing I haven't had to deal with before *stares at giant 3 year archive of power points & game sheets/files*

  • keirdre
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    • November 27, 2011, 06:20:53 pm
    • Abingdon, UK
Re: Textbook Review 2012 - YBM Book 1 (최희경, 오마리아)
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2012, 03:30:21 pm »
It's the overuse of Korean that I find frustrating here.  There simply isn't any need to use Korean - it's lazy!  If you've ever taught multi-lingual classes before, you soon realise that carefully selected English instructions + pictures can solve / explain almost anything.

The CD is almost unusable.  These are 6th grade students who will surely just laugh at the sickly, cartoon animations.  The dubbed speaking sections are cringe-worthy.

As the teacher above posted, this will be a year of PPT and other activities, using the book only for reference and target language.

Re: Textbook Review 2012 - YBM Book 1 (최희경, 오마리아)
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2012, 02:50:55 pm »
(Warning: Upcoming rant) The 5th grade textbook is awful. Truly awful. I used it today for the first time with my new 5th grade class and it SUCKED. Here's why:

1. The language is horrendous. For lesson 1, the phrase 'how's it going?' is way too informal in my opinion. I spent ages trying to explain this to my co-teacher. I think it'd be better to teach a phrase that can be used in any situation rather than a phrase that should only be used in an informal setting (with friends) Also, 'glad to meet you' -  Is that even grammatically correct?! Who ever says that???! I have NEVER used it myself or know anyone who has. Surely 'It's nice to meet you' would have been a far better idea.

2. Subjects. The content and arrangement of some of the lessons is just weird. Lesson 14, I'm from Australia should have been lesson 1 (I think another poster may heave mentioned this too) Again, the target vocabulary throughout this textbook is either too informal, or just pointless in general.

3. The character's names. They SUCK massively too. There's usually a mixture of Western and Korean names in many of the textbooks, which I can understand, as I think it can be hard for students to pronounce some English names. students today had real trouble pronouncing and understanding the Korean names. Seriously, who thought of these stupid names???!!!

4. The CD-ROM. Oh where do I even begin?! The CD ROM is also AWFUL. The dialogues are way too long. The videos themselves are tacky and dubbed (why oh why?!) Also, even the layout on the CD-ROM is kinda weird and how to get from one activity to another is confusing and also, NOT IN ENGLISH. Why is there so much Korean on the CD-ROM? Argh, the textbook/CD ROM clearly was not designed for native English teacher's which I find really infuriating.

5. The teacher's guide. It's pretty pants too, but I was kind of expecting this. I fail to understand why most of the important information is in Korean when it should be in English. Also, some of the suggested activities were awkward as well. I tend to avoid what's in the teacher's guide because it's usually rubbish or too advanced for the students I teach.

My overall impression of this textbook is not good. I'm have no idea why my ex-co teacher chose this (without consulting me or any of the other English teachers grrrr) because it's dreadful. Even the layout of the textbook is crap, there's not enough space to write the answers and there's a distinct lack of playing cards in the back. I hate it already  >:(  >:(  >:(  >:(  >:(  >:(  >:(

Re: 5th/6th Textbook Review 2012 - YBM Book 1 (최희경, 오마리아)
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2012, 12:48:21 pm »
Hi, I was wondering if anyone had a digital copy of teh 5th grade Resouce Book? I've had 2 co-teachers for 5th grade already and the book is now missing.

Also, yeah, these books bite. They don't focus enough on their target vocabulary and phrases and will throw in other new things that should be the focus of their own chapters. As such, not enough time is really spent on one or the other. Also, that they expect me to print and cut out (and laminate!) cards for every student is insulting, I don't know why they didn't just put them in the back like the old National textbooks did.

  • kmfsu32
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Re: 5th/6th Textbook Review 2012 - YBM Book 1 (최희경, 오마리아)
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2012, 03:16:40 pm »
I don't think this is the right spot to put this, but it relates to all Chapters of this book...StoryLand.  Absolutely dreadful.  Anybody come up with any good ideas for it?  I've done the book route, sentence scrambles, and role play...but can't seem to come up with anything better.

  • Robotka
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Re: 5th/6th Textbook Review 2012 - YBM Book 1 (최희경, 오마리아)
« Reply #15 on: January 29, 2013, 10:44:47 am »
Does anyone know if there is a digital version of the supplementary materials for this textbook? It's the stuff in the back of the book that students rip out for Play Together. Sometimes students rip them out prematurely and lose them before we do the game. I also want to make my own games but I need doubles of some of the materials. I don't want to photocopy them because it looks terrible...

I went to the YMB site here :

I couldn't find it. Does it simply not exist???

There's a lot of supplementary material included on the teacher's DVD. 

Just click on the fountain and/or the star in the middle of the lesson selection screen (there's different stuff in each).  The menus are in Korean, but if you click around and randomly download stuff, you can find a lot of useful materials!

Actually, I don't know if the exact cards from the students' books are included, since I had to give away my last copy to a transfer student...  But there are definitely materials you can use for your own games/ppts.

Oh, and in case you didn't find it elsewhere already, here's where I posted the ZIP file of the entire 5th grade teacher's book in English:,35609.msg293938.html#msg293938

I don't think this is the right spot to put this, but it relates to all Chapters of this book...StoryLand.  Absolutely dreadful.  Anybody come up with any good ideas for it?  I've done the book route, sentence scrambles, and role play...but can't seem to come up with anything better.

My most successful Storyland lessons have been the ones involving the original source of the book's (terribly re-written) story.  The best was "The Giving Tree" (for 5th grade Lesson 1) since the students had already read the story in Korean, so it wasn't too confusing in the original English.

I use lots of YouTube resources, even just a reading of the original story.  I've posted something for almost every 5th grade lesson's Storyland in its appropriate thread.  (Except a few that we skipped so as to finish the lesson in time for the midterm/final exam.) 

If all else fails, I find a cartoon that ties in somehow, and then have them make sentences about it using target language.  (Example: Looney Tunes "Beanstalk Bunny" for 5th grade Lesson 9 to go with the "Jack and the Beanstalk" story, and then students make past tense sentences about the cartoon using a PPT and play a bomb game with related theme/content.)

I don't spend too much time reading or role-playing the (usually contrived and unnatural) dialogs from the book, but really just use their Storyland idea as a springboard to a (sometimes tenuously) related lesson of my own.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2013, 12:31:10 pm by Robotka »

  • chris24747
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    • January 27, 2011, 12:43:37 pm
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Re: 5th/6th Textbook Review 2012 - YBM Book 1 (최희경, 오마리아)
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2013, 09:03:41 am »
Hi guys. I have been trying to download the tests for this textbook [YBM (Maria Oh is an author 오마리아)] on the YBM website, but I haven't been able to do it. I want to use a few questions after every chapter as an assessment, and would love to use these tests.

Does anyone here have those tests for us?


EDIT: Thanks Robotka, I checked the fountain and I found tests that I can use there. Printable tests as well as the MP# files that go along with the test.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2013, 09:09:21 am by chris24747 »
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