Found this game in a thread for 5th grade, but thought that everyone should have access to this amacingly developed game. It was made entirely in flash! That means no buggy .ppt errors or compatibility issues.
To change the pictures, jsut replace the img1, img2, etc files with your own. I'm not sure if the game can handle more than 10 images. I haven't tried yet. I actually just made 4 different versions of the games for each team. You can experiment with how many slides a single program can handle yourself I guess.
Warning: Kids will complain if the same pictures show up for other teams. They will say they already know the actions and that it's not fair. It's very important that you use different images.
Here are some screen-caps:
ATTN MODS: Maybe we can start a thread where we can dump a bunch of editable flash games like this one. I'm sure there are more out there that we can use!