I have not done this lesson yet, but I have "beefed" it up quite a bit.
I took some things out and changed a few questions, but I have also added more pictures, a few riddles, more food guessing games (box removal game) and strange fruits and veggies from around the world. I also added more foods from the same countries already included in the original ppt and expanded on the original foods.
I am in a "just do games" situation since finals are happening for my 1st & 2nd years and are over with for my 3rd years, so I'm hoping this will keep them engaged for enough class time.
Also, I will put them in teams and they write their answers on white boards. Hope it goes well!
Update: I did this lesson and apparently I beefed it up so much none of my classes have been able to finish it. However, it went over fairly well for all years 1st through 3rd. Hope others find it useful!