I am constantly trying to supplement the Grade 5 textbook. I generally skip all the activities that are linguistically incorrect, racist or just plain wrong (like pointing to a dining room and calling it a living room). I never do the chants or the songs, and my students only take about 2 minutes to write the Grade 2 level words (like "grapes" or "apple") that are in the book.
Here is an example of something I've done recently:
1. Ask the students about the rooms in their house. How many bedrooms? Who sleeps there?
2. Write "Dream Bedroom Design" on the board. Words like "dream" and "design" have been konglishized, so they should understand. Use this website to further introduce the idea of designing your own bedroom, and get them excited about the prospect:
http://www.oyunlar1.com/online.php?flash=113. Give them a worksheet, but tell them not to write on it until you have told them to. Then, question by question, brainstorm answers. Example: What is your favorite color? And write all the colours that they shout out to you on the board. It greats a great energy. Do this for all 6 questions. You're just reviewing basic vocabulary here... colours, sports, animals... so it shouldn't be a problem. Write them on the board, and stick appropriate magnets/flashcards next to them for your visual learners.
4. Explain/translate "theme"... in Korean: 주제 or 제목 (ju-jae or jae-mok). Essentially, they choose one of their answers (or a combination of them) and make up their theme.
5. Each student draws out their dream bedroom. Again, you may want to show the website flash game again. You can also go over vocab like bed, dresser, carpet...
6. The 2nd part is more difficult. Basically, once they colour in their picture, they have to tell you about it, using "There is..." and "There are...". Illustrate the difference between these two. This part takes a lot of teacher support... and you'll end up with similar sentences (There is a blue dresser)... but hey... it's a lot better than singing a decontextualized song about a future house that makes no sense to anyone....