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  • sheila
  • Moderator - LVL 2

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    • November 23, 2009, 08:32:58 am
    • Gangnamgu, Seoul
Lesson 4: My Pet, My Pal
« on: April 07, 2011, 02:09:37 pm »
This is a thread for any lesson material for Choi Jin H. Middle School English 1 Lesson 4: My Pet, My Pal.  Please share your contributions here~!
« Last Edit: April 19, 2011, 02:37:59 pm by sheila »
Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard!

  • kahikigirl
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    • September 30, 2010, 10:20:53 am
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Re: Lesson 4: My Pet, My Pal
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2011, 12:17:26 pm »
My kids are has bored with the textbook as I am so I decided to venture off the textbook for this lesson. I used a powerpoint from user - landry's ppt - Talking about Pets then blended it with Mlatte's ppt People and their Pets.

It includes:
            names of different pets
            question: do you have pets?
                  possible answers/more than one
            people and their pets
                  pets are friends and part of the family
                  some people look like their pets
                  people dress their pets up
                  pets have birthdays!

I hope it works better than my other lessons.

The activity section could be a big mess since my kids can get a bit out of hand. We'll see!

  • sheila
  • Moderator - LVL 2

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    • November 23, 2009, 08:32:58 am
    • Gangnamgu, Seoul
Re: Lesson 4: My Pet, My Pal
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2011, 12:40:35 pm »
You guys should definitely check out this link, the chapter I'd imagine is very similar and Hudson has created a great PPT to introduce the chapter.  Happy teaching~!,1556.0.html
Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard!

  • TriKorea
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    • December 20, 2010, 09:17:19 am
    • Anseong City
Re: Lesson 4: My Pet, My Pal
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2011, 09:09:08 am »
Hey all - I did a prezi for the Unit 4, listen and talk 1. I'm still a bit new to prezi so it's not great, but enjoy!!!  Let me know how it works!!! My Kids really liked it. great place to get Gluten Free products, vitamins, and workout supplements shipped to the ROK for only $4... ******$5 off your first order with this code UPE657 ******

Living for Adventure!

  • Candyfloss
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    • October 25, 2010, 10:20:22 am
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Re: Lesson 4: My Pet, My Pal
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2011, 12:37:05 pm »
I can swim.

I began the lesson by writing the phrase "Things we can do" on the blackboard and I got the students to name different things we can do such as walk, talk, read, write, etc. Afterwards we did word puzzles and then played bingo.
  I printed out pictures of different actions and got the kids to pick a card and make a sentence beginning with "I can.../I can't + action"  the rest of the class matched the action to those on the bingo card and crossed it out.

  • annekat
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    • April 26, 2011, 07:56:08 am
    • Osan, Gyeonggi-do
Re: Lesson 4: My Pet, My Pal
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2011, 07:46:21 am »
This was the first lesson I taught and I made a prezi for it, but it would be useless for anyone else as I incorporated introducing myself into the lesson.
Anyway, my lesson went really well, after I show a few pictures of my family and the like, I went into things that I can do: I can paint, I can sew, I can write my name in Korean (the kids liked that). I then moved on to what I can't do: I can't play basketball, I can't drive a motorbike, I can't do taekwondo. As I went through this I asked the kids randomly, "can you do this?" and the like.

We moved on to the book and filled in page 48 in about 10 minutes.

Then we played a game called "I cannot speak English". The game can be found here: under section 10-1
The students really enjoyed it and it was easy enough to explain, I let them walk around and ask different people "can you speak French?" and the like. The first with 0 cards won, although I ended up with about 5 winners.

I hope this helps someone, if you want to see my prezi it's here: although I don't think it will be useful as it starts off with "Hello, my name is Anneka"
__You can't make footprints in the sands of time by sitting on your butt__
and who wants to make buttprints in the sands of time???

  • jgonz20786
  • Newgookin

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    • March 21, 2010, 06:01:33 pm
    • Seoul, South Korea
Re: Lesson 4: My Pet, My Pal
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2011, 08:26:46 am »
 :) This was a superb PPT and my students really enjoyed it. I loved the review section at the end particularly, as often we forget about consolodation of new concepts when teaching and just assume the students have taken it all in.

Re: Lesson 4: My Pet, My Pal
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2011, 10:40:44 am »
Annekat your Prezi is beautiful but what I found of more use was the link you shared! Thank you! That site has some really great ideas that can be easily adapted to teaching in Korea~!

  • Yu_Bumsuk
  • The Legend

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    • March 03, 2011, 02:10:36 pm
    • Hicksville, ROK
Re: Lesson 4: My Pet, My Pal
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2011, 09:27:32 am »
Here's some stuff I came up with. You'll need pics of the six animals described in the book. I also can't find the question sheet I came up with for the story (which I read aloud). It's actually a true story about my sister.

                What Can the Animals Do?                     Name: _______________

Look at the following six pictures of animals and write down their names:

1.   ___________________ __
2.   ___________________ __
3.   ___________________ __
4.   ___________________ __
5.   ___________________ __
6.   ___________________ __

Now, look at these verbs: say (English words), bark, spin (a web), fly, run, hide (easily hide), swim, bark.

Look at each of the animals and write down one thing it can do, and one thing it can’t.

E.G.: A cat can run.
     A cat can’t fly.

1 . ___________________ ___________________ _________________
___________________ ___________________ _________________
2. ___________________ ___________________ _________________
___________________ ___________________ _________________
3. ___________________ ___________________ _________________
___________________ ___________________ _________________
4. ___________________ ___________________ _________________
___________________ ___________________ _________________
5. ___________________ ___________________ _________________
___________________ ___________________ _________________
6. ___________________ ___________________ _________________
___________________ ___________________ _________________

                          Let’s Compare!                      Name: _____________

Change the following adjectives to comparatives:

1.   dangerous _________________
2.   large ___________________ ___
3.   small ___________________ ___
4.   fast ___________________ _____
5.   delicious ___________________

Now, make comparative sentences with these words:

1. (cobra / rabbit / dangerous) ___________________ ___________________ _________________
2. (bear / monkey / large) ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ __
3. (mouse / dog / small) ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ____
4. (cheetah / gorilla / fast) ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ __
5. (cow / monkey / delicious) ___________________ ___________________ __________________

Next, make some sentences with better than and worse than:

1.   Ms. Lee / Mr. Gu / speaks English:
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ _________.
2.   Stephen / I / speaks Korean:
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ _________
3.   Koreans / Americans / like kimchi:
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ _________
4.   my mom / my dad / cooks:
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ _________
5.   my dad / my grandma / drives:
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ _________

Finally, make some comparative sentences about things in our classroom:

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ________
Look at the following six pictures of animals and write down their names:

1.   ___________________ __
2.   ___________________ __
3.   ___________________ __
4.   ___________________ __
5.   ___________________ __
6.   ___________________ __

Now, look at these verbs: say (English words), bark, spin (a web), fly, run, hide (easily hide), swim, bark.

Look at each of the animals and write down one thing it can do, and one thing it can’t.

E.G.: A cat can run.
     A cat can’t fly.

1 . ___________________ ___________________ _________________
___________________ ___________________ _________________
2. ___________________ ___________________ _________________
___________________ ___________________ _________________
3. ___________________ ___________________ _________________
___________________ ___________________ _________________
4. ___________________ ___________________ _________________
___________________ ___________________ _________________
5. ___________________ ___________________ _________________
___________________ ___________________ _________________
6. ___________________ ___________________ _________________
___________________ ___________________ _________________

Deanne really likes pets, but her mom hates pets in the house.
Deanne은 애완동물을 정말 좋아한다, 하지만 그녀의 엄마는 집에서 애완 동물 기르는 것을싫어한다.
She has a parrot and a fish, but she likes dogs and rabbits better. 그녀는 앵무새와 물고기가 있지만 개와 토끼를 더 좋아한다.
 Her mom says she’s not allowed to have any land animals in the house.
그녀의 엄마는 집에서 동물을 기르는걸 허락하지 않겠다고 말씀하신다.
There are spiders in the house, but she doesn’t like them as pets.
집에 거미가 있지만 그녀는 애완용으로 그것들은 좋아하지 않는다.
One day, she had a plan: she’d get some hamsters, and hide their cage in a large cupboard in her room. 어느 날 그녀는 한가지 계획을 세웠다: 그녀는 햄스터 몇 마리를 얻어와서 그녀 방에 있는 커다란 상자 안 우리에 숨겼다.
 Hamsters can’t make any noise. It worked very well.
햄스터는 시끄럽지 않았다. 그녀의 계획은 적중했다.
Mom doesn’t know she has pet hamsters in her room.
엄마는 그녀가 방안에 애완용 햄스터를 갖고 있는걸 모른다.

  • Yu_Bumsuk
  • The Legend

    • 2341

    • March 03, 2011, 02:10:36 pm
    • Hicksville, ROK
Re: Lesson 4: My Pet, My Pal
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2011, 09:29:44 am »
Hey all - I did a prezi for the Unit 4, listen and talk 1. I'm still a bit new to prezi so it's not great, but enjoy!!!  Let me know how it works!!! My Kids really liked it.

Need slide show; just a note, you spell 'crane' as 'cane' in one of the slides.

  • Yu_Bumsuk
  • The Legend

    • 2341

    • March 03, 2011, 02:10:36 pm
    • Hicksville, ROK
Re: Lesson 4: My Pet, My Pal
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2011, 09:41:20 am »
Here's the rest of mine with the questions for the story I posted above. I had two students read teh dialogue and used it as a listening ex., and then practiced it together with the students.

                 Dialogue: What hobby can you do?

Mark: I need a hobby. I’m bored nowadays.
Jane: What skills and abilities do you have?
Mark: Hmm, well I tried to take a ride on a motorbike, but I’m not a very safe driver.
Jane: Can you play any musical instruments?
Mark: Are you serious? I don’t know anything about music.
Jane: What about collecting spiders?
Mark: Collecting spiders?
Jane: Yeah, like tarantulas. You can buy them at the pet shop.
Mark: I can do that! That sounds exciting. Thanks for the idea!

Dialogue: What hobby can you do?

Mark is bored and wants a new hobby. He asks his friend Jane for some advice.

Mark: I (1)_________ a hobby. I’m (2)___________ nowadays.
Jane: What skills and abilities (3)_____ you (4)__________?
Mark: Hmm, well I (5)_______ to take a ride on a motorbike, but I___ not a very safe driver.
Jane: (6)______ you (7)__________ any musical instruments?
Mark: (8)_____ you serious? I (9)_______________ anything about music.
Jane: What about collecting spiders?
Mark: Collecting spiders?
Jane: Yeah, like tarantulas. You (10)________________ them at the pet shop.
Mark: I (11)________ do that! That (12)__________ exciting. Thanks for the idea!


1.   Why does Mark want a hobby? ___________________ ___________________ _________
2.   Whom does he ask for advice? ___________________ ___________________ _________
3.   What can’t Mark do? ___________________ ___________________ __________________
4.   What does Jane suggest? ___________________ ___________________ ______________
5.   Where can Mark buy spiders? ___________________ ___________________ __________
6.   Does Jane’s suggestion sound good? ___________________ ___________________ ___

Now, listen to the story about Deanne’s pets. Answer these questions:

1.   Who doesn’t like pets in the house? ___________________ ___________________ __
2.   What animals does she have? ___________________ ___________________ ________
3.   What new pets did she get? ___________________ ___________________ __________
4.   Why are they good pets for her? ___________________ ___________________ _____
5.   Whom did she fool? ___________________ ___________________ __________________

Re: Lesson 4: My Pet, My Pal
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2011, 05:34:22 pm »
This is a lesson focusing on the can / can't portion of Unit 4. I will first go over the PowerPoint and then play the "Can You?" game with the students. The PowerPoint reviews can and can't as well as incorporating different animals. In the "Can You?" game, students must go around the classroom and ask their peers "can you..." followed by one of the twelve options. If the peer can do the task, they can write their name down in the box. If not, students must find another peer who can complete the task. The goal is to find a different student for each box.

  • boosh77
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    • December 16, 2010, 06:55:58 pm
    • incheon
Re: Lesson 4: My Pet, My Pal
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2011, 10:43:49 pm »
Started getting ahead of my co-teacher in the book, so added this fun lesson as a bit of relief for my first graders.
It includes revision of the 'My Pet' lesson using another posters ppt slides and is generally based on the Flanimals books by Ricky Gervais. If you sign up, you can copy and edit the prezi as you see fit.

  • NeynaD
  • Waygookin

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    • March 03, 2011, 12:48:49 pm
    • Daegu
Re: Lesson 4: My Pet, My Pal
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2011, 08:36:26 am »
I was looking for something similar like this for my kids to teach them about pets. Thanks...this will help a lot.

  • lizard
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    • February 28, 2011, 11:04:23 am
    • Korea
Re: Lesson 4: My Pet, My Pal
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2011, 08:46:06 am »
Hey all - I did a prezi for the Unit 4, listen and talk 1. I'm still a bit new to prezi so it's not great, but enjoy!!!  Let me know how it works!!! My Kids really liked it.

This prezi was great! Saved my life! Keep at it.

Re: Lesson 4: My Pet, My Pal
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2011, 08:02:11 am »
A lot of material came from other posters; I may have changed some things to suit my students.

  • elecaque
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    • March 06, 2012, 07:46:53 am
    • Gunsan
Re: Lesson 4: My Pet, My Pal
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2012, 12:18:49 pm »
My co-teacher asked me to focus on comparatives and superlatives.
This lesson is just comparatives.
We went through the powerpoint together (very easy for both A and B levels), then I had them draw cards of two famous people and in partners (A classes) or groups of 4 (B classes) write as many comparisons between the two as they could. For the B classes we ended up saying at least 5 comparisons; some of my A classes kids filled up an entire page.
Finally I had them get in two or three teams, each person holding a celebrity card, and would call out a comparative, such as "taller." Each team had to line up tallest to shortest.
You might want to change some of the famous people. I had 12 people, six famous Koreans, six non-Koreans. I try to mix up the diversity and profession of the celebrities I use in class (and I get bored of the same uber-famous names.)

  • annekat
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    • April 26, 2011, 07:56:08 am
    • Osan, Gyeonggi-do
Re: Lesson 4: My Pet, My Pal
« Reply #17 on: May 08, 2012, 12:52:13 pm »
As this was my first lesson I taught last  year I redid my intro lesson plan.

Lesson 4.1 - Can/Can't lesson

Here is my intro ppt, then we do book work, then play the same card game I played last year which can be found on my previous post in the same thread.
__You can't make footprints in the sands of time by sitting on your butt__
and who wants to make buttprints in the sands of time???

  • francois
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    • May 02, 2011, 12:50:49 pm
    • Incheon
Re: Lesson 4: My Pet, My Pal
« Reply #18 on: June 12, 2012, 10:54:40 am »
This is what I did for unit 4. Some of the stuff I got from other waygook posts

Re: Lesson 4: My Pet, My Pal
« Reply #19 on: June 15, 2012, 09:47:31 am »
Here are 2 great You Tube video for comparatives.

A great game idea for this grammar is to divide the class into teams. Handout the page with all the nouns on it to each team. Have a set of your own. Cut up the grid into separate words and place them in a bag. Have each team alternate turns by picking a student and having that student blindly pick a word from the bag. The student then has to use comparatives to the words on the team's page to explain what the word is without actually saying it.
Eg. The student picks the word shark. He looks at the team sheet to find comparisons. He chooses "mouse" and says "it's bigger than a mouse" or the word "tree" and says "it's more dangerous than a tree" etc
Allocate points accordingly.

It is probably a good idea to start off the lesson with a good set of adjectives to teach to the students so that they have the words necessary for the game to be executed successfully.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 10:20:28 am by kim.freeke »