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Author Topic: Lesson 5: How We Think, What We Do  (Read 6441 times)

Offline sheila

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Lesson 5: How We Think, What We Do
« on: February 05, 2015, 01:31:13 PM »
This is a thread for any lesson material for J.L. Haas (2015 edition) Middle School English 3 Lesson 5: How We Think, What We Do.  Please share your contributions here. Be sure to explain exactly what you are posting and please do not post multi-level materials in this thread. Also, any review lessons or materials should be posted in the review section for this grade. If you can't find what you're looking for here, be sure to check the previous edition of the book.  Best of luck in your lesson planning!
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Offline Kingeudey

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Re: Lesson 5: How We Think, What We Do
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2015, 12:33:48 PM »
The Listen and Speak Part II of this is almost exactly like the Judy Yin Gr 3 Text (Chapter 2) and part of their Listen and Speak.

I did a ppt for that, but the book is a little different so perhaps you could mine a little bit from mine or other things on that link.  The trouble is that the links are not live yet, so I have been putting it in the open forum area for those texts.  When they become active, I will offer what stuff I have (and do one specific for this text.)

I still need more for the 1st part of this Listen and Speak which is a bit of a conundrum.  It's offering to help (solve a person's dilemma) and to check if someone needs something...I think.  It's like "checking on someone's state of mind and seeing if they need anything." according to the "communication skill" listed in the text.

Until then, I do have this, that directly applies to the LnS Pt II.

Offline fwicksteed

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Re: Lesson 5: How We Think, What We Do
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2015, 04:41:36 PM »
This lesson is a bit similar to lesson 4 of the old grade 3 textbook (Soccer, The World's Most Popular Sport), which used the expression "What makes you say that?". Here's the thread:

I have attached my ppt and worksheet from the old book using the expressions 'I think' and "What makes you say that/so?". The lesson in the new book is not soccer themed so I guess you'll want to delete the first couple of slides. I remember the class going well last year so I'll probably only change the introduction for this year.

Offline fwicksteed

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Re: Lesson 5: How We Think, What We Do
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2015, 05:24:54 PM »
I think I'm going to have an extra class on this chapter, so I might do some personality/psychology tests to kind of go with the psychology theme of the chapter. My students seem to be into that. I will give each student a piece of paper to make notes/draw if necessary. Here are a few of tests that could be used:

TEST 1 (listening only - teacher reads the following script to students, students make notes of their answers to the 7 questions)

Picture yourself walking through a beautiful forest. The sun is out, there’s a perfect breeze. It’s just beautiful.
Q1.Who are you walking with?

As you continue on in your walk through the forest, you see an animal.
Q2. What kind of animal is it?

You move closer to the animal.
Q3. What does the animal do?

You’re walking deeper into the woods yet, and you come to a clearing. There’s a house in the middle of the clearing.
Q4. How big is it? Is there a fence around it or not?

The door of the house is open. You go inside and see a table.
Q5. What’s on the table?

You finish looking around the house and go out of the back door. There’s a huge garden. In the garden, you find a cup.
Q6. What is the cup made out of? What do you do with the cup?

As you walk to the end of the garden, you find yourself at a body of water.
Q7. What kind of body of water is it? A lake? River? Pond?

Ready for some answers?

A1. The person you were walking with is the most important person in your life.

A2. The size of the animal you saw represents the size of your problems.

A3. What the animal did represents how you solve your problems. Do you run away, face them calmly, or attack? This shows how passive or aggressive you are.

A4. The size of your home represents the size of your ambition.

A5. If there was no fence around the home, it means you are a more open person.

A6. If what you saw on the table wasn’t food, people, or flowers, it means you may be unhappy or stressed.

A7. The cup represents the strength of your relationship with the person in question 1. What you do with it represents how you feel about them.

A8. The size of the body of water shows how important love/romance is to you.

TEST 2 - The Cube Test (ppt attached, teacher explains slides in greater detail)
I will use the script and explanation on this site:

TEST 3 - The Pig Test (ppt attached)
This is way more simple so may be better for lower levels. All students have to do is draw a pig (let students know it should be a whole pig, not just a face), and the ppt will explain what their drawing says about them.

Offline nicolejanine

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Re: Lesson 5: How We Think, What We Do
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2015, 04:23:13 PM »
I must give credit to my fellow English teacher friend for helping with this idea! For the "Do you want me to...?" portion of this lesson, here's a modified 7UP game. If you never played this game before, here's a video with instructions (may be helpful to show your classes as well)

The 7 students who are at the front are given one slip of paper (cut from the attachment) so when they put another student's thumb down, they also give them the piece of paper. Instead of students just guessing the name of the student who pressed their thumb down, they ask them the question. For example: "Ji Eun, do you want me to go to the hospital with you?"
If the student did not press their thumb, they answer: "No, thanks. I'll be ok."
If they did, they answer: "Yes, please."

Offline dammat89

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Re: Lesson 5: How We Think, What We Do
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2015, 06:22:23 PM »
Here's what I'll teach for the chapter. First lesson is pages 84-85 and second lesson p86 and an animal fights game. I got most of my stuff from other contributors, thanks to them.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2015, 05:12:05 PM by dammat89 »

Offline gagevt

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Re: Lesson 5: How We Think, What We Do
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2015, 10:25:58 AM »
Here's what I'll teach for the chapter. First lesson is pages 84-85 and second lesson p86 and an animal fights game. I got most of my stuff from other contributors, thanks to them.

Cool idea with the animal game dammat. I just had one pet peave. The snake in the picture is venomous. There is only one poisonous snake in the world, and it lives in Asia. Happens I got picture near one of my rural schools a week ago.

Poisonous: Dangerous when ingested.
Venomous: Dangerous when it bites/injects its venom.

Offline dammat89

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Re: Lesson 5: How We Think, What We Do
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2015, 04:20:23 PM »
Thanks for that gagevt, I've reworded it. I've also corrected a minor mistake in my wk12ppt.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2015, 05:13:06 PM by dammat89 »

Offline lauragrace

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Re: Lesson 5: How We Think, What We Do
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2015, 04:28:00 PM »
Part 1- "Do you want me to........."

Intro Key Expressions & Group Activity

Offline Mousasaurus

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Re: Lesson 5: How We Think, What We Do
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2015, 06:24:36 PM »
For the first part I also did the heads up seven up game and they loved it.

For the second part, we did apples to apples, modified from another great teacher on this thread.  I made adjective cards but they're on a different computer, so will upload those later.

Offline PhyreMatrix

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Re: Lesson 5: How We Think, What We Do
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2015, 12:54:37 AM »
I really liked the idea from one of the other lessons here of calling it a situation and solution. I borrowed a bit of that and the 7UP game in my presentation. Here's my version of it. Covering the listen and talk 1  from page 84.

Offline Falling_Sky

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Re: Lesson 5: How We Think, What We Do
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2015, 11:02:57 AM »
PowerPoint for "What makes you think so?" (Pg85 C).

Justslides with an option to choose who they think is best (such as Iron Man or Batman, Street Fighter or LoL etc), and then I ask them "What makes you think so?". I gave my opinion on some, and made the students ask me "What makes you think so?".

Worked well with my higher level (who are still low), but was a bit difficult for my lower level (they couldn't think of any adjectives or give their own opinion...).

Offline lauragrace

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Re: Lesson 5: How We Think, What We Do
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2015, 11:21:12 AM »
This is for the second part of the chapter (what makes you think so).

Basically a combination of what has been posted so far!

Warm up, review, a bunch of "what do you think is better" questions, and animal faceoff with new game rules.

Offline PhyreMatrix

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Re: Lesson 5: How We Think, What We Do
« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2015, 11:12:18 PM »
My part 2 for Lesson 5 covering What Makes You Think So. I don't have a game for this one but getting the idea from the super heroes PPT I instead made my students tell me who they think would win in a fight between Thor and Superman, then I let them watch the episode of Super Power Beatdown. It's one of the less violent episodes that doesn't actually end with someone dead. They seemed to enjoy it.

Here's the link to the YT video in case the embedded YT doesn't work in the presentation.

Offline amc45

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Re: Lesson 5: How We Think, What We Do
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2015, 03:27:38 PM »
For the first part I also did the heads up seven up game and they loved it.

For the second part, we did apples to apples, modified from another great teacher on this thread.  I made adjective cards but they're on a different computer, so will upload those later.

Hey, would you be able to upload the adjective cards? I'd be interested in playing this game with my students next week for review. How did it go in class? Were lower level students able to play it? I'm worried it would be too hard for many of my students...

Offline rampancy

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Re: Lesson 5: How We Think, What We Do
« Reply #15 on: June 19, 2015, 06:27:19 PM »
Here is my complete collection of materials for this lesson, including all of my mini-games and examples. I'm given quite a bit of latitude for the materials that I create, and I have to cater to low-level students (who are often distracted easily, low-energy, and highly disengaged), so that has influenced my PPT design. 

This lesson is aimed at beginner/high-beginner level mixed-gender middle school classes. With some notes:

a) The Ball Jeopardy game is intended to be played with magnetic darts and/or a suction cup ball. Such items are currently easily obtained from a stationary or toy store. The cards themselves are to be printed and laminated, with sticker magnets/magnetic tape used to affix them to the blackboard.

b) The Flyswatter Game is to intended to be played with 2-3 Flyswatters and the Flyswatter cards themselves printed out and laminated, with sticker magnets/magnetic tape used to affix them to the blackboard.

c) "Speed Sentences" (one of my "Addtional" games) is best played with higher-level/higher-energy classes. Co-teacher assistance will aid greatly in the game going smoothly. Originally, I used a plush d6 with pockets (with each side holding a set of words for the students to use) but in the interest of keeping the game fast I now just pick the set of words on-the-fly for the students to use.

In case the teacher doesn't have access to whiteboards, the teacher can print out the "Team Name" slide, laminate it, and use that as a team whiteboard.

Students had to race to hit an answer buzzer, but a call bell can also be used. Students could also instead race to show their answer to the teacher.
d) The "Dice Battle" Game is essentially a rudimentary bomb game but in reverse, where points are taken away from a set number given to each team -- points are deduced when one team "attacks" another team with a d6 roll. I use a large plush foam d6, but in a pinch, any size d6 will do. The questions are arranged in linear order, with teams being selected depending on who raises their hand.

If anyone has any implementation questions on the games, please feel free to ask me (since I know the instructions can be a little opaque in places).
« Last Edit: June 19, 2015, 06:30:24 PM by rampancy »
"You shouldn't ask yourself such worthless questions. Aim higher. Try this: why am I here? Why do I exist, and what is
my purpose in this universe? (Answers: 'Cause you are. 'Cause you do. 'Cause I got a shotgun, and you ain't got one.)"

Offline rdfierros

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Re: Lesson 5: How We Think, What We Do
« Reply #16 on: September 01, 2015, 06:25:16 PM »
I grabbed some slides from one of these users... but I don't remember which. Thank you for your lovely slides anyhow!

This lesson focuses more on giving advice and the following key phrases:

You should...
You shouldn't...

You should have...
You shouldn't have...

There is a worksheet that goes with the PPT (so my students don't fall asleep) and a game at the end.

For the game the students read the situation, and as a team give advice according to the situation. I had two winners: one for the most grammatically correct advice and one for the most creative.

I hope you enjoy!

Offline stellaristic

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Re: Lesson 5: How We Think, What We Do
« Reply #17 on: April 27, 2016, 03:57:32 PM »
Attaching my powerpoint and "Who Am I?" Game. I did the Listen and Talk pages, as well as the grammar for page 95.

Week One - Went through the first part of the powerpoint. Did page 84. Played 7-Up. The game didn't go so well because students didn't want to put their heads down, but I still think they enjoyed it a little.

Week Two - Reviewed the first part of the powerpoint. Went through the second part. Did page 85. Played "Who Am I?"/Guess the Celebrity game. This is a hot seat game where one student stands at the front of the classroom with their back facing the screen. I put up a picture of something/someone and the class had to help them guess who/what it was using the target language/adjectives. Students seemed to enjoy this game a bit (though they didn't enjoy getting up in front of the class). My biggest trouble with this game was reminding the students to speak in English. They kept wanting to speak in Korean. I also had an adjective word scramble I found on another site for extra work, but there was no time.

Week Three - Focused on grammar. Adjusted my lesson because the first class didn't go so well. Hoping it goes better tomorrow. Went through Part A of the ppt. Had students draw a quick picture and then they had to guess who drew which picture using the target language. Went through Part B. Brainstormed things their parents make them do. Part C of ppt. There was a worksheet at the end covering verbs in the past tense and "Should vs Shouldn't." Our class was shortened though so we didn't get through everything.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2016, 04:08:46 PM by stellaristic »

Offline JJpghEpik

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Re: Lesson 5: How We Think, What We 86 and sorta review
« Reply #18 on: June 15, 2016, 01:36:22 AM »
I just finished converting this elementary template to a MS four corners game. I plan on using it tomorrow. I'm gonna let the songs play and dance or whatever while the students choose a corner. Thanks to the original maker. I hope it helps someone.

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Re: Lesson 5: How We Think, What We Do
« Reply #19 on: June 29, 2016, 01:16:55 AM »
My 3rd grade loves Harry Potter. They have all of the books. I took this template and made it a review game for chapter 4 and 5. Thanks to Laci.


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