First half of a lesson in one PPT.
Reviews all of the key vocabulary then a "what's missing?" practice exercise. I usually pick one student at a time to do this then we all answer together. If you just let everyone call out the answers you'll blow through it in a minute.
Next is a reading/speaking game. The instructions in the PPT are very basic as my class is quite low level. Each time a sentence appears the class has to read it, one word at a time. One student stands up and calls out one word, then sits down. Another student stands and reads the next word. If two or more students try to say the same one word in the sentence, they messed up and we try again. I do a three second countdown between each word so they cant organise who is going to speak next amongst themselves.
I have four 5th grade classes so with this activity I like to give them one point for each sentence they get correct in two attempts or less. I put the score of each class on the board, they seem to get very motivated about beating the last class.
Hope all that makes sense.
Also attached is a stations activity which should take up the second half of the class if you want to use it. It's been posted before but I edited it slightly to reflect the vocab in the textbook. My co-T gets very picky over stuff like "my favorite class is..." when the textbook says "my favorite subject is..."