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2015 Grade 5 Daekyo 1 - Story Time 1 - Harry Potter
« on: March 30, 2015, 02:31:51 pm »
Here is a PPT which might be useful to you as an intro to the Story Time lesson; it is a summary of the vocab in Lesson 2 with the Harry Potter characters and imagery.  I also made an intro video, the potions class scene from the first HP movie with subtitles here:  .

« Last Edit: September 23, 2017, 09:01:30 pm by Mr C »

DAEKYO 이재근 5th Grade Story Time 1-Harry Potter
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2015, 03:35:36 pm »
Here is an alternative to story time

Students will listen/read the Harry Potter story and answer the questions. But instead of completing the booklet inside the book, I want them to create their own books.

Attached is a document with the print out so the students can draw/write their own stories.

The PPT includes a review of the Key Expressions and then an example of how they can create their own booklet.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2015, 12:49:08 pm by Epgarcia19 »

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Re: DAEKYO 이재근 5th Grade Story Time 1-Harry Potter
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2015, 03:31:50 pm »
It's not completely polished, but I am planning on having my students use the Harry Potter story as an example to create their own comic / dialogue between two characters of their choice instead of creating the little book (my co-teacher said she wanted to skip that, but we're still spending a significant amount of time in this section so.... fingers crossed that this is an okay replacement!).
If there is time, I plan on letting students read their neighbor's comic and allow a few pairs to volunteer to roleplay their comic for the class.

Re: 2015 Grade 5 Daekyo 1 - Story Time 1 - Harry Potter
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2015, 01:31:11 pm »
I made this short PPT to add to the World Tour part of Story Time 2. It includes the instruments that the video talks about, and some additional ones. I didn't get to use it because it took up the whole time to just make the mini-book. I was also going to show a couple clips on youtube to show them how some of the instruments sound, like bagpipes, the didgeridoo, and the sitar for example.

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Re: 2015 Grade 5 Daekyo 1 - Story Time 1 - Harry Potter
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2016, 01:55:10 pm »
Here is a Harry Potter inspired dungeon adventure game.  It's mostly just a time killer as my students and I haven't particularly enjoyed Story Time in the past.  You may have seen this dungeon adventure elsewhere on Waygook, but I changed out the scrambled sentences and enemies to make it fit Story Time and the theme.

The class will work together to get out of the dungeon.  They must collect 4 keys before they are able to leave the dungeon.  To collect keys you must roll a die/dice or win RPS to defeat an enemy.  Along the way there are mystery sentences they must solve.

This year I have ~24 student classes, so each group (4-6 students) will get a blank map they must fill out as we explore the dungeon.  Groups will take turns deciding how to traverse the dungeon (up/down/right/left OR N/S/E/W).  If a group finds a room with an enemy or a puzzle, only that group may answer.  If they fail the challenge, they must go back to the start of the dungeon (I allow them to keep previously earned items).

*In enemy rooms, if they pass the challenge, click on the enemy
*In sentence rooms, click on the banner to start the timer.  Above the timer is an invisible box that will show the solved sentence
*in the bottom right hand area there is another invisible box that will take you back to the first room (used when they do not pass a challenge).

Re: 2015 Grade 5 Daekyo 1 - Story Time 1 - Harry Potter
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2016, 02:47:12 pm »
Here's a script students can change in groups of 4 and act for role-play.

Re: 2015 Grade 5 Daekyo 1 - Story Time 1 - Harry Potter
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2017, 12:44:15 pm »

I very much welcome an open source system and am EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED with the sites decision to charge for content. I uploaded content with the understanding that it would be used freely by other teachers and do not agree with it being monetized without my consent. Due to this change I have felt it best to remove my work.

Thank you for all those who have shared in the past and I hope the site will retract its new policy and return to an open community-led system.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2017, 02:20:17 pm by taramarymurphy »

Re: 2015 Grade 5 Daekyo 1 - Story Time 1 - Harry Potter
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2017, 12:55:41 pm »
This PPT is modified and borrows graphics from previous posters' work. Thank you!

This one is just for P1, here's how I ran it:
  • Good mornings
  • Review section of PPT
  • Watch video clip of quidditch, this:
  • Explain the different character names (mainly bc I wanted to know if any kids actually knew the story. One out of 90 did. Also fun to explain that no, it's not Her-me-own)
  • Listen to the story (textbook)
  • Listen and repeat (with me reading) + translating line by line for comprehension
  • Whole class read together (would have done some volunteer reading here but didn't have much time and my students looked like they wanted to die of boredom anyway)
  • Check check
  • Read/remember/write game.  This is a whiteboard game done in teams, they have the timer's length to remember the four words/phrases, then on the next slide one is missing. They need to write the missing word/phrase, and hold up their boards when time's up. Then reveal the answer, and give points.