A big Thank You to adamzero for the Speed Writer game -- it is a really cool format and my kids will dig it! Since I am specifically using it during period 2, I changed the sentences so they all matched the "Reading Map". REMOVED
I made an "opener" for period 2, which is a "tic-tac-talk" game, which I do in the manner boys v girls. REMOVED
Finally, for the end of period 1, I made a Jeopardy game--but the only time they answer in the form of a question is the question category where the answer is, say, "xie xie" and they have to ask "How do you say 'Thank you' in Chinese?" REMOVED
They way I play Jeopardy is as follows, though of course you can do whatever you like (but this is fun for a change a couple times a year): I generally have up to six teams of four students. So I have six "ring-in" noisemakers (A hotel desk bell, a rubber chicken, a bike horn, etc). Each one starts on the left-hand team member. First to ring in is called on. For the next question, the ringer moves to the right one person. Except the person who got the right answer--they continue (up to three times in a row). That person also choses the next category.