This has been a work in progress for a while boiling the ppt down to all it needed to be. (Any more it confuses my kids, and any less and they don't play it right). It takes 35-40 minutes, I try to have each group play 2-3 games in that time. Some groups could play all day, but some groups you have to drag them to play 2-3 games (you will have to stand over them at the end of each game to make sure they don't start a different card game).
I have used this from elementary grade 3 to High school grade 2 (low and middle level high school).
Most the time students thought it was really fun. But there are always those high school groups that just hate your guts (and your games).
Under the slides I put a
LOT of explanations
as to what I did for each slide. If it doesn't fit your teaching style/your students learning style feel free to do your own thing. But this is what I had to do to make sure anyone who was paying any attention at all (not sleeping or talking to their friends) knew how to play.