I have been stealing so many materials my first 2 weeks from here I have to give back something. It's not much but it's something and it's my own version. Here is the concept:
Hot potato/ball for a review game (20-30 minutes; or however long you want)
In 2 groups (20-30, depending on class size)
One student is chosen to be in the center of the circle.
Teacher choses a dialog for each round. (dialog that has been covered over previous lessons; ideal for challenging review game)
Students pass the hot potato around while the music plays. Students cannot hold the ball more than 1 second. Students cannot pass it back to the person who just had the ball (to prevent from foul play). When the music stops playing, whoever has the hot potato when the music stops must begin the chosen dialog. The student in the center must play the next part of the dialog. After dialog, teacher does any quick correction and then student who had hot potato last is now in the center and the other student takes their place in the circle. Continue playing.
Dialog format: A, B, A, B etc (or whatever you want)
It's not much, but I hope it helps someone especially for a quick last minute lesson adjustment!
EDIT: I just came up with this and it would be a great new element to the game and help it move along faster, allowing (hopefully) all students to practice the dialogue more than twice or 3 times. Here you go:
Add an element of competition between the teams. First team to 40 points wins candy. You should have your co teacher help you on this. You monitor one team, he/she monitors the other for correct pronunciation and sentence structure. If they don't do it right, No points, correct them, then continue the game by rotating out the students. Each round they get only 1 chance. This will force the kids to try a bit harder.
If you try this, let me know! I will try it as a review game with my Middle school girls this Thursday, and I will let everyone know how it went.