Hi everyone! Here's my first ever lesson plan on waygook. I hope you find it useful. I have a lot of freedom in my teaching so this corresponds only marginally with "High School English I" Unit 6, by Anna Dahland Kim (2008 version).
In this lesson, I introduce the phrases, "Did you know..." and "Guess what?" as well as some common responses of surprise. After giving examples of these things and demonstrating a short conversation with my co-teacher, I broke the kids into groups and had them practice the a similar conversation in pairs. After that I broke them into groups of four, passed out trivia cards, and had them read the cards to each other, starting each one with the phrase, "Did you know..."
It went fairly well, though it helps if both you and your co-teacher make the rounds to keep the kids on task and explain things to them if they don't understand what's on the trivia card. It definitely keeps the kids talking in English though! (at least some of the time) ;-)