Author Topic: Need a Filler Lesson? DANCE!  (Read 304 times)

Offline bmw26

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Need a Filler Lesson? DANCE!
« on: October 13, 2011, 09:33:37 am »
If your students are heading into midterms, or if you are trying to figure out your next "serious" about teaching your students a dance?

In the States we are really big on shuffle and hustles, so I taught my students the "Cupid Shuffle."

The Cupid Shuffle is a VERY simple dance, and your kids will most likely catch on pretty quickly.

If you don't know it, here's the instructional:

I would recommend that you learn it first and teach it to your kids rather than showing them the instructional. I think the instructional might be hard for them to follow (too much commentary).

Here's the music for your class:

When you play the music the first time, start it at the chorus (1:20) so your kids get a feel for the song while listening to what to do as they dance.

My friend tried this, and some of her kids finished early. She recommends having a dance off if you have a really active group, and/or teaching them another dance like the macarena or the electric slide.

Remember to have fun! If you teach with a coteacher, try to get them to dance too. The students should love it, and if they're shy, it'll get them motivated.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 09:46:35 am by bmw26 »