Hello All. I am looking for some higher level conversation activities to use with my English language students.
The classes are in a high school, with class sizes of 10-15 students. These students are at quite a high level of English ability, and take many of their other subjects partially in English. The English Conversation classes are not graded, and this can cause some problems. Because our students are very busy with other classes and projects that affect their marks it can be difficult to get them engaged in a class where they can't see a direct benefit to themselves or their future.
I have used activities like group riddles, discussion around comics, moral dilemma and other decision tasks, role plays, design tasks, and yes/no question guessing games, with a moderate degree of success.
I am looking for other activities and games that are engaging, but also create a lot of conversation. There are a lot of games and options that might be fun, but that don't really get the students speaking a lot.
If anyone has any suggestions or ideas I'd love to hear them! Thanks a lot!