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Author Topic: Back to School Icebreakers for High School  (Read 15954 times)

Offline shhowse

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Back to School Icebreakers for High School
« on: March 03, 2011, 03:02:23 PM »
This term I am opening up English Class with a full period of Icebreakers for each of my second grade classes (first grade gets the usual introduction lesson since they are new to the school and my class). The purpose of these games is to get everyone comfortable, get to know each other and to ease the students back into English class after their long break. Here are the ones that I use which work pretty well:

1. Toilet Paper Game - Hand out two rolls of toilet paper and have the students rip off as much or as little as they like, don't tell them why. Once all the students have their paper, tell them to count their pieces and keep it on the table where you can see it. Ask if anyone has ten or more pieces (I usually give a little reward to these guys at the end for their big effort). Explain that this is an introduction game and for every piece of toilet paper you have, you must say one sentence about yourself. Give an example with yourself, using 6 or so pieces. Try to make them do the sentences on the spot, as opposed to writing it out on the toilet paper. Go around the class and have each student introduce themselves, helping where need to find more points to talk about. I tend to write a small list on the board of topics such as favorites, family, don't likes etc.

2. Line Up - Teacher has students arrange themselves in a line according to the criteria given.  Students compete in teams, I usually do two, to be the first to successfully complete the task, ie their line must be in perfect order. Topics: height, birth month, alphabetical, shoe size, length of hair etc. To increase the difficulty, you can get them to make their line without speaking, so they have to use body language or signs.

3. Categories - Ask everyone to stand up and walk around; explain that you will announce a category and that students should then quickly organise themselves into smaller groups, based on the category to which they belong.  Once everyone is organised into their groups, ask each group to identify itself.
Sample categories: *Which hand do you write with? *What is your favourite season? *How many siblings do you have? *What is your favourite color? *Do you like coffee or tea better? Do you prefer sweet or salty snacks?  Do you like to eat kimchi? Do you write with your right or left hand? What is your favourite fruit/school subject…?

4. Human Taco - Stick labeled note card (with taco ingredient) on the back of everyone’s shirt.  (i.e. the word “meat” printed on a note card) Have each player mingle around asking yes/no questions to find out the taco ingredient that is on their back.  Explain the correct order of ingredients in a Human Taco: shell, meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato, salsa and then give the start command, “I’m hungry!  Let’s eat!”  Each individual must find out which ingredient they are and then find enough to form a complete Human Taco. More info can be found here: http://waygook.org/index.php/topic,5122.0.html

5. 2 Truths, 1 Lie – Students list 2 truths and 1 lie about themselves.  Class is divided into groups and other students must guess which statement is false.

6. Animal Pyramid Bingo – Before class begins draw a large pyramid on the board. Draw lines across it, creating 6 levels in the pyramid. From the top to bottom, fill in each level like so:
Why? Chicken – bock bock (top)
How? Sheep – baaaa
Where? Pig – oink oink
When? Horse – neigh
What? Cow – moooo
Who? Duck – quack quack (bottom)
At the beginning of the game everyone starts on the bottom level and is therefore a duck. The goal of the game is to rise through the levels of the pyramid to the top level, chicken. You move up by making the animal noise of your level to find another person who is the same level/animal as you. Once you find your animal partner, you take turns asking each other the appropriate question i.e. a pig would ask a “where” question. Once both of the partners asks the other a “wh” question (and get an answer), they play rock scissors paper to determine the winner. The winner of RSP moves up a level in the pyramid and becomes the new animal, while the loser moves down a level (except in the case of the duck, who remains at the lowest level). Once a student reaches the Chicken level, they should go to the Teacher, for the final round of questions and RSP. If the student wins the RSP match against the teacher, they are the champion and could be given a small prize (candy or sticker or clas money, etc). You can play this game with different sets of target language/grammar – in this case, question words. You can also play to either the first person to reach chicken or until several students have reached chicken. This game takes a bit to explain to the students but once they get it, they have a lot of fun and, warning, it can get quite rowdy! I find it really helpful to breaking down barriers of shyness since they all have to act silly with the animal noises. Stress that it is essential to move around the room, mingling with all their classmates, and to make their animal sound, in order to find a partner.

More ice breaker ideas:



Google search, “Icebreakers” or “ESL Icebreakers”

Offline manda1616

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Re: Back to School Icebreakers for High School
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2011, 04:15:04 PM »
cool thanks I'll def be trying line up and categories!

Offline lindsaydp1

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Re: Back to School Icebreakers for High School
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2011, 04:01:59 PM »
Brilliant, will be using the toilet paper one on Monday!

Offline imstuckinglue

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Re: Back to School Icebreakers for High School
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2011, 03:15:54 PM »
I meant to post this earlier. I'm starting after school class so I'm going to use a few of the games that shhowse posted.

I like to give my after school class English names. Everyone gets an English name and then we play the knife game. Everyone gets in a circle. One person pretends to have a knife and then they look at another student, say that student's name while "throwing the knife", and that student must "catch" the knife by clapping their hands. Then, they throw the knife to another student. If they say the wrong name, are too slow in catching the knife, or just too slow in general, then they must die a tragic and dramatic death. I demonstrate the tragic and dramatic death before the game starts which they get a big kick out of. The last two students standing can try to kill the other one but I usually end up letting both of them win a piece of candy. They seem to really like this game and usually want to play again.

Another game I like to play is where I divide the students into groups of 3-5. I will call out a thing which they have to make with their bodies. For example: table, house, bird, Eiffel tower, number 8, car, gun (super hard!), flower, and anything else I can think of at the time. Sometimes I make them do each picture within a limited amount of time and other times I let them take their sweet time. This one is hit or miss. Once they're finished I usually take a picture and I use those pictures in future classes that I do this game in.
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Offline dharmabrother

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Re: Back to School Icebreakers for High School
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2011, 01:50:20 PM »
Excellent post here!  Instead of using a ''knife"  I use a "bomb" with a real squishy ball.  We all stand in a circle and play it the same way.  Still haven't figured out how not to have the same two or three keep throwing it back and forth to each other..but eventually some one miss throws or drops it I suppose.
Also, the animal pyramid looks awesome!  I'm going to do that one next week.  Why not milk these first few weeks with lots of icebreakers? :)

Offline jameshbarnett

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Re: Back to School Icebreakers for High School
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2011, 01:43:55 PM »
Wow awesome help thanks. The toilet paper game was a new one to me and when I tried it it went quite well. Had to let my students write their sentences first though.

Offline wwilkerson73

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Re: Back to School Icebreakers for High School
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2011, 12:26:23 PM »
This worked great! especially the toilet paper game!

Offline Wiens

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Re: Back to School Icebreakers for High School
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2011, 05:11:18 PM »
I think the pyramid game would be great if you took 3 students up front and demonstrated while explaining. It sounds like a great game! What was most challenging for you when explaining this game to your students? Was there any vocabulary that was particularly difficult? What was the youngest group that this game was successful with?

Offline willtolive

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Re: Back to School Icebreakers for High School
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2011, 12:48:23 PM »
What exactly can you do with HS kids who have an elementary level of English for Icebreakers?  I ask because it is not as simple as just doing the same thing as elementary kids as High School kids don't seem enthusiastic about song and dance...Thanks!

Offline Paperinkness

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Re: Back to School Icebreakers for High School
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2011, 12:14:10 PM »
Thanks for this! Will definitely be incorporating those into my classes somehow....

Offline krissyboo75

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Re: Back to School Icebreakers for High School
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2011, 11:39:03 AM »
The toilet paper game is going to be great. I am working at a high school with all boys, and I imagine they are going to try and take a lot of pieces lol thinking they are being funny. Boy will they be in for a surprise haha :)

Offline jigumjogum

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Re: Back to School Icebreakers for High School
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2011, 11:05:14 AM »
What exactly can you do with HS kids who have an elementary level of English for Icebreakers?  I ask because it is not as simple as just doing the same thing as elementary kids as High School kids don't seem enthusiastic about song and dance...Thanks!

I did an "I like/I don't like" lesson. First I tell them what I like and don't like, then they write their answers on a worksheet, then they ask their partner, and introduce their partner to me. I also added a free question to try and determine their level. This can be dangerous, but also funny, but my students were so lo level it was no problem really. Hope that helps :)

Offline rleslie

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High School First Day Ice Breaker-Human Bingo
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2011, 03:54:10 AM »
Here is a sheet I hand out the first day of class so we can all get to know each other.

Offline bmw26

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Re: Back to School Icebreakers for High School
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2011, 03:10:17 PM »
Nice ideas! My favorite is the toilet paper icebreaker purely because of the reaction I get from my students. I usually tell them "there is no toilet paper in the bathroom, so please take enough tissue." Some students take nearly the whole roll just to get a laugh out of their classmates.

Offline lanizzleee

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Re: Back to School Icebreakers for High School
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2011, 03:36:29 PM »
I've used the toilet paper ice breaker with high school students back in the states, and it's a great game ~ I really like the human taco idea, too.  I'm definitely going to use some of these at the beginning of next semester, thanks for sharing!

Offline lasmooth18

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Re: Back to School Icebreakers for High School
« Reply #15 on: October 21, 2011, 11:59:17 PM »
Here is a great game to get them speaking and asking questions...
--- Write out the questions on slips of paper and give one to each student. They must talk to everyone in the class and find the appropriate person. They then must get as much information as they can concern the answer. Once they are finished have each student read their question and identify the person they chose. Either the teacher or the students can then ask follow-up questions of the student chosen. Example: After talking to all the students I find that Mary has been wearing her watch for 5 years so she has worn the same watch the longest. I would ask her, "Where did you get it? Who gave it to you and why? How much did it cost? Has it ever stopped running?
***Who has been wearing the same watch the longest? Who has moved the most? Who has been going to the same hairstylist the longest? Who has eaten the strangest food? Who has travelled the farthest? Who's had the same bad habit the longest? Who's known their best friend the longest? Who's been keeping their pet the longest? Who's been doing their hobby the longest? Who's been playing a favourite sport the longest? Who has been studying English the longest? Who has had the longest hair? Who has been in the worst accident? Who has met the most famous person? Who has been to the biggest city? Who has been to the most countries in the world? Who has spent the least money this week? Who has the biggest family? Who has the most BEAST stuff?
--- Who is the most Korean. In groups they present how they are Korean, the best team and the most Korean wins!

Offline watermelon_sugar

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Re: Back to School Icebreakers for High School
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2012, 03:01:00 PM »
Great suggestions, I'm going to try I like/don't like' with mine this week!

Offline philbo84

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Re: Back to School Icebreakers for High School
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2012, 08:50:33 PM »
Toilet paper game really does sound great. I was going to do something similar with sweets, but figured the kids would just start eating them to get rid of them once I told them what was going to happen!  :laugh:

As I'm awful with names, I'm going with a classic circular memory introduction game. It gets all the kids standing right from the off, so no one is sleeping at the start of the class! Pass a ball around in a circle, starting with introducing yourself and one thing about yourself. Next person must say "this is so and so and they play soccer" or the like, and then give one for themselves. This continues all the way around the circle, with no one allowed to give a repeat/copied answer, until the last person must list out every single person in the class and one thing about them. "this is...he is...she is..."

If it goes well, a 2nd run from a different starting point/direction to get a few more bits of info out of them. It's a common enough activity, but the higher the level the more you can add in for it.

Offline Hajime79

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Re: Back to School Icebreakers for High School
« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2012, 12:33:10 PM »
Best thread so far for a newbie to find. I like the Catagorys because it's easy and quick and can go on as long as needed. Thanks a load!

Offline akarnold

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Re: Back to School Icebreakers for High School
« Reply #19 on: March 05, 2012, 09:45:11 AM »
This post was extremely helpful for me!  I was able to find a few activities that would work for all of my classes, even across different levels.  The students were resistant to getting out of their seats at first, but once they did, they had a great time.


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