So I have English club every few Fridays for three periods. The next few weeks I have it every Friday.
Initially I was under the impression that they write articles for English school newspaper the whole time but last week my co-teacher asked that I make one of the periods a speaking club/lesson/activity and use the other two periods for the writing. She also asked that I make it a little more challenging than their class. It was a little unexpected but I put together a game of taboo that I thought would be challenging. It was fun but seemed not incredibly difficult for them.
What are some activities or suggestions for what I can do with them in the future? A lot of the time they surprise me with how little English they seem to know vs. how much they ACTUALLY know when I do activities, probably due to their lack of "putting themselves out there" and shyness.
Btw, it's an all-girls high school and these are academic students.