I did Human Sentences. (There may be a more usual name for this game).The class is divided into two teams white and blue. Each team member is given a word such as my or new. When a sentence is shown they then race to the front to complete the sentence in order. The first team to get the sentence filled wins that round.eg. This is my ___ Nemo ____This is my fish Nemo .(Period)The .period (OK Full stop for those of us such as me who came from full stop land) is also included to help them remember to use it. They will require explanation for this fact in Korean. I also recommend that you get your co teacher to supervise one team of students while you supervise the other this will help things a lot. In addition remember to change the picture of the teacher to another one.My froth graders had good fun with this lesson and I hope to use variants in other classes. This game should take about 15 minutes of class time including explanation.