Hey all,
Next week I have to teach one day of classes before the students have midterms so I created a speaking practice drill. It should only last 20~25 minutes, the rest of the time I'm giving to the students to study. I'll be teaching the same thing to both 1st and 3rd year high-school students.
1) Write down a combination of subjects, verbs and objects (12~13 each depending on the number of students). Cut them into individual pieces, number them on the back from 1~40, and put them in a small box so students can pick them out randomly.
1) Write subject/verb/object and where/when/why/how on the board.
2) A student picks from the box and uses the subject/verb/ object to make a complete sentence.
3) The student whose number was on the back stands up and asks a where/when/why/how question to the student who made the sentence. That student would answer again in a complete sentence.
Should look something like this:
A student picks "take" (a verb) from the box. S/he has to now give a subject and object.
Student: Mr. M "takes" ice cream.
On the back of "take" is a number, 5. Student 5 chooses a question and makes a sentence.
Student 5: Where does Mr. M take ice cream?
Student: Mr. M takes ice cream to the park.
Rinse, repeat. Let me know if you have any questions, but it seems pretty straight forward.