The mafia game sounds like an idea...but how do you play? Do you know of anywhere i can find the instructions?
I've always played mafia with a deck of cards. The number of mafia/detectives/doctors depends on the number playing.
Ace is mafia
King is detective
Queen is doctor
number cards are townspeople
sometimes I've also played with specifically the King and Queen of hearts, and two people are 'lovers'- if one dies the other dies as well. This would probably be way too much for a korean classroom though.
pass out the cards, and make sure the cards are secret- the only person who should know what the card is, is the person holding it. A narrator (the teacher, likely, at first), will begin by instructing 'the town' (all the players) to go to sleep (eyes closed, no peeking!).
"Mafia, wake up!" the student(s) holding an Ace open their eyes and decide (in silence!) on one person to attempt to 'kill'. once an agreement is made, narrator dismisses them with "Mafia, go to sleep."
"Detective, wake up!" student(s) holding a King open their eyes and decide on one person to 'investigate'. the Narrator will tell them yes or no (if the investigated person is mafia or not) silently. "Detective, go to sleep."
"Doctor, wake up!" student(s) holding a Queen open their eyes and decide on one person to attempt to 'save'. If they choose the mafia's intended victim, the victim will not die. If not, tough luck, victim. "Doctor, go to sleep."
"Townspeople, wake up!" (or "town, wake up!" if it's easier). Everyone opens their eyes an the Narrator regales them with a dashing story about how So-and-So died last night (eg: Last night there was a terrible accident. Someone was walking by the river, and a bus hit him. Sadly, Hong Rok is dead!), or about how So-and-So *almost* died last night, but the doctor saved him/her ( ...a bus hit him, but THANKFULLY, the doctor arrived in time to help Hong Rok, and he is not dead!")
Now that a person has died or almost died, the Narrator asks "Townspeople, who would you like to accuse?" everyone in the town (remember, no one knows who is the mafia/doctor/detective) must agree to 'accuse' one person of being the mafia. Things can and often do get crazy noisy at this point, so be warned. Once a person has finally been decided upon, the Narrator asks he or she to "offer their defense", and they need to make up a reason why they're not mafia (eg 'it couldn't have been me to kill Hong Rok, because I was eating bibimbap last night with my friend!') Once the accused defense has been made, the townspeople vote: thumbs up- innocent, allowed to live, thumbs down- guilty, kill. The Narrator announces the verdict.
Usually, if the townspeople did kill the or a mafia (which is rarely), the Narrator will tell everyone, and the game ends. If the doctor or detective died, tough luck for the townspeople, but don't tell them. Anyone who has died may now watch the game- an important phrase to teach here might be 'dead men tell no tales', aka 'shut up'.
Rounds continue with Mafia usually killing right along, and the doctor rarely saving the right person. If the detective does figure out who the mafia is, it's fun to watch them try to persuade the townspeople into accusing the right person (since they don't know he is the detective). In my experience, usually the poor detective dies pretty quickly after that, seeing as how the mafia knows he knows.
Anyway, that's just how I've always played! There are probably hundreds of small variations out there.