I'm teaching an afterschool class and this was one of my lessons. I used the World Domination game from user Dengar as a basis.
Here's that thread
http://www.waygook.org/index.php?topic=89201.0So what I do is use this game to teach, rather than just as a review. There should be three teams (red, blue, yellow) and they all pick one starting position.
>based on Risk, they can expand to one other unoccupied country without fighting anyone.
>when they expand, they must read the slide for that country out loud (click the country's name to jump to that country's slide)
>if a team wants to attack another, they must Rock Paper Scissors for it. The attacker must then recite one taboo or custom about the country to gain that country. If they're the defender, they just have to win RPS to keep the country.
>continue until one country dominates the whole map, or until the time allotted for the game is up (team with the most countries wins)
***side note: this is just meant to be a fun and cursory lesson, introducing the concept of differences in cultures. I'm sure the facts don't perfectly represent these societies. I really don't care to hear why the facts are problematic. Just change them if you don't like them.***