Intro video to practice key vocabulary and expressions
Students are asked to
1. Listen and Repeat
2. Say it in Korean
3. Say it in English borrow your pen (펜을 빌리다)
02. have some juice (주스를 마시다)
03. take a picture (사진을 찍다)
04. touch this (이것을 만지다)
05. go to the restroom (화장실에 가다)
06. sit here (여기 앉아)
07. Can I sit here? (여기 앉아도 되나요?)
08. Of course. (물론이죠.)
09. Yes, you can. (네, 됩니다.)
10. Sorry, you can't. (죄송하지만, 안 됩니다.)
11. Thank you. (감사합니다.)
12. You're welcome. (천만에요.)