I have several times over the years had students write three statements: two must be true, one must be false.
If no one guesses the true one, you get two points. If someone guesses it right then they get one point. A yummy treat is on the line: e.g., first pick from Krispy Kreme donut selection, Baskin-Robbins flavor selection (one flavor per student), or like one fruit (a dragonfruit, a grapefruit, a bunch of red grapes - not purple 'cuz some students don't know red exists), and so on...
It is a great way to get students to construct sentences. High level or low level, each can do it. Hints help. Getting other students to say what, helps (never give the answer yourself - a tactic of the CELTA method).
At my 100-ish student hagwon, I have a "Game Day" planned for the two days after Korean Thanksgiving (Korean harvest festival; "Chuseok" in their language), next Thursday and Friday (some classes that were missed earlier in the week combined).
Two truths and a lie can be awesome once students have done all the prep for it (this week for next).
It is a tried and true crowd pleaser when prepared for.