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Author Topic: 2015 Grade 5 Cheonjae 3 - 1. I'm from Korea  (Read 14443 times)

Offline Inge1415

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2015 Grade 5 Cheonjae 3 - 1. I'm from Korea
« on: March 03, 2015, 01:21:59 PM »
Cheonjae Book 3
초등학교 영어 5  (Elementary School English 5)

 Here is my lesson plan (games in detail etc.) for period 1 as well as the ppt. i made :)  Enjoy!
« Last Edit: April 15, 2015, 04:15:08 AM by taeyang »

Offline PsychoGemini

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2015 Cheonjae Book 3 Grade 5 Lesson 1 "I'm from Korea"
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2015, 06:17:43 PM »
I just got the new 5th and 6th grade books today and saw there was no material for grade 5.  Might as well start one up.  Here's an intro I modded from last year's book along with the old Animaniacs video "Nations of the World".  Let's get things going folks!

Offline Ascheer

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Re: 2015 Cheonjae Book 3 Grade 5 Lesson 1 "I'm from Korea"
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2015, 08:53:40 AM »
I made a Key Words and Expressions ppt in both English and Korean.
Also, a basic worksheet containing vocabulary, key sentences, and fill in the blank for Look and Listen.
I played Line Bingo using country flags as well. You can just print them out and cut into horizontal strips (It's nothing fancy).

     Students ask: Where are you from?
     Teacher says: I am from _______. (Choose a random country from the handout.)

[In case you don't know how to play line bingo, each student gets one strip of paper. If the teacher says a country that they have on the far right or far left, they can tear off the piece of paper. You continue until a student has torn them all off and has had the last piece called by the teacher.]

Offline caerdroia

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Re: Grade 5 Cheonjae Book 3 L.1 I'm from Korea
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2015, 11:36:40 AM »
Looks great! :) Here's the simple introduction PPT I used to go over vocabulary and phrases for the chapter.

In introducing the vocab words, I first made the kids guess from the picture and flag what country it was, and for the practice section, they also had to practice saying "I am from ___America/Canada/etc._______. I am __American/Canadian/etc.____ ".

Practice section was borrowed from some lovely person on Waygook who shared it on a previous year's textbook thread - thanks!  :P
"Don't Panic"


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Re: Grade 5 Cheonjae Book 3 L.1 I'm from Korea
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2015, 01:15:04 PM »
I just saw this and added it to the list. Doesn't seem as many people have book 3. I have it too, but I don't have much interaction with the 5th graders. I will try to post material here from time to time. Directly message me if a new link needs to be added or a posts need to be merge. Please, avoid double postings.

Offline jibroni27

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Re: 2015 Cheonjae Book 3 Grade 5 Lesson 1 "I'm from Korea"
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2015, 01:56:46 PM »
Here is a simple Elimination ppt game. Slides have vocab words or expressions from Lesson 1.

You can play this game in many ways, but I'm going to switch it up this time.

Have students play in their teams. Each slide features one mistake. First team to catch the mistake gets one bonus point. The real game is they choose two boxes (or three if you'd like) and tell the teachers out loud. The teacher reveals the boxes after every team has selected theirs. They get one point for each box that reveals an "0." If a team selects boxes that both reveal an "X" they lose one point.

Also, to the poster with the flag line bingo, great job. I really like it and will use it. I attached it here again and included the French flag since that country is in this lesson.

Offline Ascheer

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Re: 2015 Cheonjae Book 3 Grade 5 Lesson 1 "I'm from Korea"
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2015, 03:21:25 PM »
For the Grade 5 1-2, my class usually does a memorization day.

-Disappearing Dialogue for Listen & Speak. (I screen-capped the book CD so it's prettier. Click on the red boxes to reveal the words)
-Handout of scripts for Lesson 1-13 Listen & Speak. (My classes get stamps toward our reward system for memorizing and presenting. These are scans because I hand made the originals due to laziness. ^^)
-Flick game. (This is a pair game. Students put a Go-piece, eraser, etc... on 'START' and flick it. If they land on a box, they have to complete the dialogue using the space they landed on, and then they can claim the box. Bombs are 'lose a turn.' Student with the most spaces wins the game.)

Offline faomosgirl

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Re: 2015 Cheonjae Book 3 Grade 5 Lesson 1 "I'm from Korea"
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2015, 03:44:17 PM »
Here's a basic lesson intro and memory game.

Offline lila fang

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Re: 2015 Cheonjae Book 3 Grade 5 Lesson 1 "I'm from Korea"
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2015, 08:32:41 AM »
I made a "New Characters" PowerPoint with Guessing Game to introduce the new book. It is based on the Grade 6 post (thank you). I just scanned the book, put in the new characters and descriptions.

Offline stacykristina

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Re: 2015 Cheonjae Book 3 Grade 5 Lesson 1 "I'm from Korea"
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2015, 01:54:19 PM »
Worksheet for Lesson 1. Different section of the worksheet can be used for various periods in the lesson.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 01:56:41 PM by stacykristina »

Offline Ascheer

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Re: 2015 Cheonjae Book 3 Grade 5 Lesson 1 "I'm from Korea"
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2015, 02:17:16 PM »
Lesson 1-3

Reading Dice game. Students play in pairs. They roll a die and read the sentence that corresponds to the number it lands on. They write down that number in the points box. They take turns rolling and reading until each student has gone 10 times. Then, they total their scores. I use a penalty just in case they get the same score. Each student must roll each number (1-6) at least one time. If they do not roll a certain number, it is subtracted from their final score.  For example, if they never rolled a 6, their end score would be 'Total -6'. If they never rolled a 1 and a 4, their end score would be 'Total -5'. Student play Game A together first, and after they finish, they play Game B. Each have different sentences.

I included instructions so you can demonstrate how to play to the students before you begin.

Offline PsychoGemini

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Re: 2015 Cheonjae Book 3 Grade 5 Lesson 1 "I'm from Korea"
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2015, 07:22:03 PM »
I modified a Star Power game posted elsewhere.  Feel free to change up any flags you haven't covered.

Offline dallasb7

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Re: 2015 Cheonjae Book 3 Grade 5 Lesson 1 "I'm from Korea"
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2015, 07:38:34 AM »
This is a game i use regularly for grade 5 and 6. Easily adaptable. In this version, the object of the game is to meet 6 friends from different countries. You need to stick a country flashcard together with an emotion card to six desks. One student will sit down at each desk. This student must be rotated every 2 or so minutes. The first person that is able to gain a signature from each country is the winner. This is decided through RSP.

Offline melbell

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Re: 2015 Cheonjae Book 3 Grade 5 Lesson 1 "I'm from Korea"
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2015, 08:46:07 AM »
Here is a very simple Intro ppt for my low-level 5th graders and a warm-up hidden pictures game (students guess the country flag)

Side note: Did you guys notice that on the CD-ROM there alot of extra material (at least more than the old YBM book). You just have to do a lot of clicking around if you don't know much Korean.

Offline Mister Tim

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Re: 2015 Cheonjae Book 3 Grade 5 Lesson 1 "I'm from Korea"
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2015, 04:57:52 PM »
I threw together a quick and simple flick game. You all know how these go:

S1: "Where are you from?"
S2: *FLICK* "I'm from (Country s/he landed on)."

I've seen students play these with erasers, pencils toppers, or other random baubles they've got in their pencil cases, but I also have a handful of 100KRW coins in my backpack all the time, just in case.

Offline Mister Tim

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Re: 2015 Cheonjae Book 3 Grade 5 Lesson 1 "I'm from Korea"
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2015, 06:49:27 PM »
And here's a Minecraft-themed hidden treasure reading game. Just have the students (in teams or individually) read a tile, click on it, and award/deduct points accordingly. It's also a really easy template to reuse for more reading units in the future, so feel free.

Offline dallasb7

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Re: 2015 Cheonjae Book 3 Grade 5 Lesson 1 "I'm from Korea"
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2015, 07:35:15 AM »
A simple writing game for teams. teams of 4. 2 students relay the parts of the sentences to the others sitting. They must then create the correct sentence. First three teams get points. There are six rounds.

Offline malayadbsk

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Re: 2015 Cheonjae Book 3 Grade 5 Lesson 1 "I'm from Korea"
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2015, 09:21:12 AM »
For period 5, I will teach them this song :)


I also will give them a copy of the lyrics. They will listen and fill in the blanks.
Hope it helps~

Offline MAA

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Re: 2015 Cheonjae Book 3 Grade 5 Lesson 1 "I'm from Korea"
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2015, 11:51:40 AM »
This game always works well and keeps the students asking for more. I adapted this from msbradberry's post from 2012  ;D

1.   One student will be “it”. They will stand in the center/front of the classroom with their eyes closed. 
2.   Each corner of the classroom will have a country’s flag.
3.   The “it” student counts to 10. 
4.   All of the other students choose a ‘country’ to stand in.
5.   When the “it” person reaches 10, the other students will ask, “Where are you from?”.
6.   The “it” person will say, “I’m from (Korea, Canada, America, India, China or France).''
7.   The “it” person opens their eyes.  All students standing in the country said are ‘out’ and sit down.
8. Before sitting down, the students who are out will say to those still in the game, ’’See you later.’’ Everyone else including ''it'' will say, "Have a nice day."
9.   The last person standing wins and becomes “it”.

Extra motivation - Those who are seated will have another chance to be back in the game should they ask, ‘’Where are you from?’’ and say "Have a nice day’’ when asked to do so.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 11:55:17 AM by MAA »


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Re: 2015 Cheonjae Book 3 Grade 5 Lesson 1 "I'm from Korea"
« Reply #19 on: March 13, 2015, 01:09:08 PM »
I showed my students the Yakko sings all the nations of the world from Animaniacs. It's more for fun than anything, but they enjoyed it and it got them giggling. It's just under 2 minutes long, good opener or extra time video.
