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Author Topic: Help me turn ideas into good lessons please  (Read 1319 times)

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Help me turn ideas into good lessons please
« on: April 22, 2011, 03:48:15 PM »
This morning, I managed to come up with several interesting (I hope) lesson ideas for low-level high school students.  Being new to this lesson planning thing, I’m struggling with how to make these into educational 50 minute lessons for low-level high school students.  Any help appreciated.  I’m looking forward to training…

1.   7 Wonders of the Ancient World and 7 Wonders of the Modern World
A.   Go over what they are (the students will probably already know)
B.   Say that aliens took one of the sites.  Have them pick a place in Korea to promote as the new 7th wonder.  Work in teams to make a promotional presentation on why that site should be chosen.
2.   Hip Hop – No learning objective whatsoever
A.   Learn the following: MC, DJ, Breaking and Graffiti
B.   Show break dancing clip
C.   ???? 
3.   Video Games
A.   Um… ya.  I know nothing about these, but I do have a Mario review template. 
4.   Idioms
A.   Go over some funny idioms
B.   Focus on “kick the bucket”
C.   Have them write their own “Bucket Lists” – things to do before they kick the bucket
5.   Travel/Geography Series – show cool attractions in various countries (I’m aware that this is not original)
A.   Vocabulary: museum, safari, dessert, animals, etc.
B.   Where they could go if they could travel anywhere
6.   When animals attack
A.   Learn/review actions: run, climb, etc.
B.   Learn what one should do in case of each of these
C.   Play a game in which teacher is the animal.  Students say or act out what they must do
7.   Abnormal Psych
A.   Again, no learning objective
B.   Give interesting examples, especially despots and murderers, i.e. Idi Amin

If someone could tell me what Korean teenage boys like these days, I’d appreciate it.  Video games, soccer/sports, violence, girls…  I realize that this is pretty universal and time-tested, but is there anything else?


