The main list exceeded the character limit, so I've started a new one for middle school lessons. Remember, lessons can be easily adapted to other levels, so if you're a middle school teacher be sure to check out what's posted on the other list and in the other sub-boards.
Because we have so many lessons in this category, I've put some of them in bold to show the most popular! *
American Culture Jeopardy*
Asking about weekends*
Asking for advice*
At a supermarket (part 1)*
At a supermarket (part 2)*
Clothing - an introduction to clothes
Comic strips*
Comparatives *
Comparatives and superlatives*
Comparatives and superlatives - another lesson on the topic
Count / noncount*
Date and time*
Describing people*
Do you like + gerund ? / "The Job For You"*
Family Tree - for low-level middle school students, can be modified to be more difficult.
Famous People Jeopardy *
Food jeopardy*
Fruits and vegetables - powerpoint file
Giving directions - low-tech activity with dialogues and print-out map
Giving praise / encouragement / condolences - very easy, low-prep activity using some basic phrases; good for an after-school class or a filler class; can also follow or precede etiquette lessons.
Guide to Canada and America*
Halloween Monster Activity - create your own monster and powerpoint
Halloween powerpoint - made for advanced third-graders
Halloween Riddles - first-grade middle school
How does it taste? - describing how food tastes
I'd like to buy a vowel - pronunciation activity
"If" Clause*
Invitation to play sports*
I would rather - worksheet to practice "would you rather . . .?"
Konglish / Korean English / English in Korean activity - students are given a paper with all the letters of the alphabet listed (this paper is attached in the post), and working in groups, they will come up with Konglish words or English words in Korean for each letter. Points are assigned, and I encouraged groups to choose words that are unique and that other groups didn't think of. Good for reviewing vocabulary, and good activity for a "throw away" class early or late in the semester. Also can be paired with Jellomando's Konglish activity (see post).
Korean Culture Jeopardy*
Korean flag - students learn the names of the symbols on the Korean flag, then draw their own.
Lemon Tree - Activities using a catchy song and video
Let's travel*
Making a menu - part 2 of the "Western food" lesson
Make a Monster (PP) - Adjectives and Prespositions*
"Men with Hats" riddle activity - students must solve the riddle of which man is wearing which hat (for more advanced students)
Music - students listen to and learn different genres of music, and learn how to talk about how they feel about them. Very popular lesson.
Natural Disasters*
Passive voice*
Past vs. Future Game*
Prepositions and hidden pictures - students practice prepositions by finding hidden objects in a picture. Can be adapted with any picture you find off the internet or in a book.
Relative pronouns - fill in the blank, find someone who activity, bingo
Sk8er Boi - lesson revolving around the popular Avril Lavigne song
Short Name Game*
Snow White, new ending*
Stupid Jokes - students are given the set-ups and must find the punchlines (for more advanced students)
Tag questions*
Talking about Korea*
Telling time*
There is / there are*
Tony and Paul video lesson - based on a video, the students will watch, comprehend, read, and write, can take 2 or 3 class periods.
Travel and postcards*
Typhoon and
195 Typhoon Questions *
A Visit to the Doctor (part 1) - model dialogues, body parts, injuries, and "you'd better . . ." suggestions
A Visit to the Doctor (part 2) - game
Weekend scattegories - activity to review what one did on the weekend.
Western food*
What do you have in common?*
What do you want to be?*
Wheel of Fortune*
"When" questions about time*
Wonder Facts Quiz