Here's a PPT with a quick overview of the etymological origins of English/Roman months. Hooray for Paganism!
LISTENING, SPEAKING AND WRITING ACTIVITIES - Gets them to get up and move around too. My co-teacher suggested it:Teachers give examples and check understanding.LINE UP: In 2 teams, students talk to each other, only allowed to say 2 things: "when is your birthday" and the answer "January 22nd". You can add year if you want, but most will be the same year. You can check. As they do this they get in a straight line in order of birthday - Jan to Dec. First team that does it, wins. NOTE: Right way is asking each other questions and answering and finding their place. Wrong way is one student asking all and pushing them into the slot.SHOOT OUT: Show a short clip of the old west shootouts. Line up in 2 teams. 2 people take 3 steps and turn around and show 0,1,2,3,4,5 or 6 fingers (2 hands). Whatever the number is, they write the number of the MONTH on the board. So one person has 1 finger and the other has 3 sticking out. The student who writes APRIL on the board the fastest is the winner. attached.