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  • frappps
  • Veteran

    • 130

    • September 02, 2010, 11:10:07 am
    • Ethiopia
Yea, the talking points seem a little scattered- Expressing Regrets, Asking / Telling a Plan, Saying You'll Remember. I'm kind of stumped in coming up with an activity that uses all of these.

3rd Grade Lesson 5 Week 1

Thanks frappps!  Is it just me or is this chapter so absurdly random?!

  • nzaslow
  • Veteran

    • 91

    • November 17, 2009, 08:46:51 pm
    • Seoul
Low/multi level
What are you doing this weekend? Talking About Dates
Communication points: I'm going~ // I'm sure you'll~ (나눈 니가 ~ 할거라고 학신해)

My students seemed to have fun with this one. You'll talk about good dates, bad dates, what one shouldn't do on dates, and then hit the communication points and pass the pencil game. I drew liberally from the Dating Etiquette  lesson that was posted on the middle school boards a while ago, so check that out if you're looking for something for higher leveled students.

I used this Mr. Bean video:

  • nzaslow
  • Veteran

    • 91

    • November 17, 2009, 08:46:51 pm
    • Seoul
I'm moving onto Chapter 5 with my 1st years next week, and everything that I made last year for ch5 was pretty bad. Looking at it now, painfully bad. The communication points are what middle-age adults use... it's so weird to be teaching "what a pity!" to 7th graders. Anyway, I'm editing some of my older stuff which I'll put up soon. Anyone else struggling?
« Last Edit: June 01, 2011, 09:03:52 am by nzaslow »

  • karenology
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    • 239

    • October 03, 2010, 06:00:08 pm
    • South Korea
^^ Did you make them do the "Rap Song" last year?  How'd that go?  :laugh:

  • nzaslow
  • Veteran

    • 91

    • November 17, 2009, 08:46:51 pm
    • Seoul
 :laugh: HAHA I preformed it for a co-teacher in the teacher's room for a laugh, but none of the teachers had the students sing it. *cringe*

  • flips
  • Veteran

    • 137

    • August 07, 2010, 09:28:04 am
i finished the connect four ppt game for g1l05 that someone posted before.

  • KarizmaB
  • Adventurer

    • 34

    • December 27, 2010, 10:12:26 pm
    • Uijeongbu, South Korea
G2 Lesson 4 Review
« Reply #206 on: June 03, 2011, 10:59:09 am »
Wrapping up Lesson 4 this week.

Here is a short PPT with some dialogue slides I used to review asking permission and giving/declining permission with a few exclamation words thrown in.

For the last slide I explained the expression "It is easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission" The students that understood it thought it was great.

  • Rockryder
  • Adventurer

    • 25

    • May 12, 2011, 09:47:06 am
    • Gumi, South Korea
Hey frappps...
I was looking at your ppt slide for lesson 5 Grade 3...
How were you able to get the pictures(contents) directly from the book to your slides?...did you get it from the CD...? i tried copying the pdf copy of the book from the CD but it's all been locked i couldn't even print a copy...all i could do is view them.

Any advice on how you did it?

  • frappps
  • Veteran

    • 130

    • September 02, 2010, 11:10:07 am
    • Ethiopia
I just did a PRNT SC on the CD book and pasted the picture into Photoshop.

I'm not sure what you're using, I don't have any .PDF copies of the book. There should be an executable file (neungyule.exe) on the CD that has the book on it.

  • DavidTo
  • Explorer

    • 5

    • September 06, 2010, 12:30:12 pm
    • Seoul, South Korea
Does anyone have any speaking test ideas yet for this semester?

The speaking sections for these chapters leave something to be desired so I expand it to all the sections and I am still having some difficulty compared to what we had to work with in the fall with the final chapters.

Grade 1 - Lesson 4, 5

Past tense questions and answers
What did you do last week?
What did you do yesterday?
What did you do last month

I went,saw, read, etc etc

Grade 2 - Lesson 3, 4 ,5

I don't teach grade 2 at my school.

Grade 3 - Lesson 3, 4

Problems and advice

A - I have a headache.
B -You should see a doctor.

Tag questions

You are tired, aren't you?
Justin Bieber is amazing, isn't he?
Emma Watson is a good actress, isn't she?

  • gookie
  • Super Waygook

    • 333

    • August 31, 2010, 12:03:12 pm
    • Daegu
I just finished the speaking test last week and the format I used was simply to ask open ended questions that are related to the themes of each chapter. For example, if one of the lessons was about food and desserts, I would ask: "Do you like desserts? why or why?" and if another lesson is about animals and the zoo, I would ask: "Which animal surprises you the most? Why?", etc. I gave the list of questions to the students ahead of times to prepare and practice and when it comes to the test, they would randomly pick 3 lessons and I would pick the question for them to answer. My speaking test covered up to chapter 4. I looked for fluency, grammar, and sentence structure.

Here's my part 1 for Lesson 1 Grade 1, looking at There is/are etc.

I did this last year and again this year, and the kids seem to genuinely enjoy it.

First, I show them this Sesame Street clip along with the transcript to elicit the language:

Then we do listening Ready B to further elicit, followed by some questions to the class: Is there an elephant in the classroom? Is there a laptop (or one singular item that really is there) in the classroom? Are there lions in the classroom? Are there students in the classroom?

Then I show them the attached power point and get them to guess where the pictures are of and they have to tell me what they see in the picture using "there is/are".

Next, I've made color print-outs of the same pictures. In groups, one student has the picture and keeps it secret. The other students ask questions using "Is there/Are there?" Until someone guesses. The first to guess gets a point. If they class is well-enough behaved, you can trust each group to count their scores. The winners from each group get a reward.

I'm attaching the transcript for the video and picture files. Feel free to add on and change it as you will! The powerpoint and location key will be attached in a separate post, as the site won't allow me more attachments!

Here's the powerpoint to go with my "There is" lesson above.

  • KarizmaB
  • Adventurer

    • 34

    • December 27, 2010, 10:12:26 pm
    • Uijeongbu, South Korea
I just did a PRNT SC on the CD book and pasted the picture into Photoshop.

I'm not sure what you're using, I don't have any .PDF copies of the book. There should be an executable file (neungyule.exe) on the CD that has the book on it.

I use the same method to get the pictures into PPT except my computer is a dinosaur and I don't have photoshop. Paint works just fine for pasting the "Print Screen" image and using the select tool to crop. Copy the cropped image and paste again, presto. :)

  • mogbert
  • Veteran

    • 149

    • October 25, 2010, 10:12:37 am
    • Goheung
Thanks for this!  It worked well with my high level class.  I made them ask to see the cards in complete sentences as well.  But to make the game a little more exciting I brought a dice in and let them roll it if they got a match and made a sentence.  The point system was as follows:

4=Death so I made this erase all points for that team
6=3 for your team and 3 for another team of their choice.  You can also make this 3 and 2 or something that allows the team that rolled it to be on top still.  But 3+3 just made sense for me because it adds up to 6.

This keeps every team within reach of winning.

For Grade 3, Lesson 5, explaining "cause" and "result" -  I found an awesome game from this blog:

How I play it: divide the class into teams.  Teams each get chances to find two cards that match.  Once they find a match, to get points, they'll have to make a sentence including both the cause and the result: "I ate too much, so I got a stomachache." 

I started to play this with my grumpy 9:00 a.m. Monday class, and they seemed to be getting into it.  If you play this, look at the slides first and make sure you know which cards are a match in advance.

  • karenology
  • Veteran

    • 239

    • October 03, 2010, 06:00:08 pm
    • South Korea
^^ That's a great idea!  I might steal that dice option for future games that aren't so hi-tech and Powerpoint-y.

Here's my powerpoint for Grade 1, Lesson 5: What a beautiful world! (2008 edition)

On slide 11, I linked to the "Guess What"? game posted earlier in this thread, but you could also link to the Connect 4 game that flips posted, which is fantastic!

On slides 24 - 31, be sure to read the notes I made about where the hyperlinks go! 

Here's the font:

I had them do the worksheet at the end of the powerpoint, to reinforce the grammar point on pg. 78.  Every student knows how to say "it's mine," but of course they're a little iffy on whenever it's anybody else's...
« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 02:08:52 pm by karenology »

  • KarizmaB
  • Adventurer

    • 34

    • December 27, 2010, 10:12:26 pm
    • Uijeongbu, South Korea
Grade 2 Lesson 5, Cheer Up!
« Reply #216 on: June 10, 2011, 09:57:30 am »
As often happens, I am not teaching the talking points for Lesson 5 in order . I felt so inspired to instead begin with a PPT for Part C. I will use it to explain "Look on the bright side", "Cheer Up", and "Don't worry." A lot of the pictures are borrowed from other waygookin, thanks guys!

I will start class by showing a couple short music videos, here are the best ones I've found so far: - On the Bright Side by Never Shout Never.
-It goes too fast for my low level students to read along but it does have sing-along subtitles and a nice little story we can discuss afterward. I think they will like this one best. - Simple stick figure story with a clip of Bright Side of Life playing in the background - Monty Python's Bright Side of Life, full live version (03:50)
 - WARNING: a couple concerns with this one, it has nice sing-along type subtitles but my students would struggle with the thick British accents and obscure lyrics. Also, it clearly says "shit" at one point. Don't want to get myself in trouble! - Another simple animation, this time combined with photos and with Don't Worry, Be Happy playing. There are lyrics on the screen to follow.

I will then go through the dialogue using the PPT.

Note: I have not yet pasted the graphic from Part C but you can see where it goes.

Finally I will do a sentence scramble game where each team of students gets a small whiteboard and must write the sentence in order for points. I give them 3 minutes to discuss as a group and write the sentence. I give 10 points for each correct sentence and 5 points if they are only off by 1 word. We then read the complete dialogue together for extra speaking practice (and to add time).


EDIT: I modified the scramble slides into fill-in-the-blank for my really low level students.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2011, 10:37:51 am by KarizmaB »

  • summerthyme
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    • July 10, 2010, 05:02:32 am
    • Waegwan, Chilgok, Gyeongbuk
Thread has been updated up to this point.
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  • gumgei305
  • Waygookin

    • 23

    • November 15, 2010, 09:19:06 am
    • South Korea
Grade 1 chapter 3.

Focused on commands. An alternative version of Simon Says. This was week 2 of the chapter. Reviewed how to put simple commands together. Showed that awesome video someone posted with the Mom singing commands with Korean and English subtitles. Then went through the listening sections of the book. Then played this action game the last part of class. They had to do what I said and NOT what I did. I'm sure you guys can come up with some better action moves though! Was really tricky to do at first hahaha. I let some of the more out going students lead the class after awhile. Worked out great.

  • KimKeisung
  • Waygookin

    • 12

    • September 26, 2010, 01:51:04 pm
    • Daegu, South Korea
It maybe a little late, but here's a lesson I used for Grade 2 Chapter 4. The target language is "I can't believe this", "It's surprising" etc. On the other side of that, I focused on language like "that's boring", "who cares?" etc. There are a lot of video links and it went over really well in all classes. For the game at the end, I numbered the students off 1 to 4. I'd show a video, make all the number 1s stand up and each say what they think. There is also a worksheet attached.