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  • jaybird
  • Veteran

    • 233

    • April 06, 2011, 10:54:23 am
    • South Korea
Has anyone played the Lucky Wheel Game for the permission? How do you spin the wheel?

On the question page click spin. That brings you to the wheel. click spin again.

  • KarizmaB
  • Adventurer

    • 34

    • December 27, 2010, 10:12:26 pm
    • Uijeongbu, South Korea
Grade 3 Lesson 5: Expressing Regret

A simple PPT that reviews Cause, Result, and Regret. I used it to quiz low level students on identifying sentences. Of course, regret is the easiest since they just have to look for "should have" or "shouldn't have" so those are identified first.

I also reviewed past tense and past perfect forms of verbs with the worksheet. I gave them 10 minutes to finish on their own then put the key up on the screen and reviewed together.

  • KarizmaB
  • Adventurer

    • 34

    • December 27, 2010, 10:12:26 pm
    • Uijeongbu, South Korea
For Grade 3, Lesson 5, explaining "cause" and "result" -  I found an awesome game from this blog:

How I play it: divide the class into teams.  Teams each get chances to find two cards that match.  Once they find a match, to get points, they'll have to make a sentence including both the cause and the result: "I ate too much, so I got a stomachache." 

I started to play this with my grumpy 9:00 a.m. Monday class, and they seemed to be getting into it.  If you play this, look at the slides first and make sure you know which cards are a match in advance.

Thanks karenology! I liked this game so much I used it for an open class. The students love it and I plan to use it again.

I used it to reinforce a lesson on regret based on Grade 3 Lesson 5 talking points: "should have" and "shouldn't have".

I added a "How to play" slide as well as an extra slide at the end that has an arrow linking back to the previous slide since I sometimes click the wrong place when trying to remove or replace a card.

A lot of work was put into this one due to the open class! Enjoy!

  • Loora
  • Explorer

    • 5

    • March 02, 2011, 02:44:55 pm
    • Daegu
Lesson for Grade 1, Lesson 5--What a Beautiful World
The main topic is Possessives.
See the Lesson Layout first.

For the Justin Bieber lyrics, I paused the video with the lyrics on them so they could write them all.  He sings a little fast for them to write it all at once.

Here are the basics for the Sunken Treasure game (which I downloaded from ---a great site for Powerpoint games):
-Divide class into about teams of 5-6 students.  Each person in the team gets a number.  I call a random number (example Number 2) and they (all the Number 2s) have to come to the front.  I provide flashcards with possessives and they must make a sentence.  Students who make correct sentences get to choose a number on the screen (I let them pick).  There is treasure hidden under only one treasure chest, so they get a chance to find it.  The team that has found the most treasure wins.  Depending on their luck, each class played 2 or 3 games.

Please adapt it as you see fit!

  • Loora
  • Explorer

    • 5

    • March 02, 2011, 02:44:55 pm
    • Daegu
Past Tense Review Jeopardy for Grade 1
I used this as part of a past tense lesson, but we never got to all of the questions.  I'm guessing this would fill up an entire lesson if you have to explain the game.  I got this template from .

The way I play is to split the class into teams of 4-5 students.  Each team gets a small wipeboard, marker, and eraser.  I rotate which team gets to choose the question.  I make them use the phrase, "I'll/We'll take (category) for (how much?)." All teams tried to answer each question at once.   When they write the answer, they must write a sentence using the underlined word.  This is to ensure they use past tense.  Then, when they answer, the group must read their answer out loud.  When most teams have an answer, I count down from 5 and they all have to show their boards at once (so there are no cheaters).

Also, I only give positive points if they get the correct answer.  I don' t take away points for incorrect answers.  For Final Jeopardy, they are supposed to make a wager, based on their score.  This is difficult to explain without a coT, so it may be easier just for you to change it to a certain set point value.

A final note: the template can be finicky if you try to change questions, so if you want to edit it, try to save different copies along the way.

  • KarizmaB
  • Adventurer

    • 34

    • December 27, 2010, 10:12:26 pm
    • Uijeongbu, South Korea
Grade 3 Lesson 5:

I used the PPT to teach and have students practice using "What are your plans for..." and "I'm planning to..."

This was another open class (2 in one week!) so the PPT is very self explanatory.

Once they finish the worksheet, they fill in five squares of the planner. Be sure to explain that they should only fill 5 at random, my students were a little confused about this. Then they practice the dialogue with each other until their planners are full.

Once they have a full schedule we played BINGO with their planners acting as their BINGO cards.

Instructions are in the PPT..

  • summerthyme
  • Featured Contributor

    • 1108

    • July 10, 2010, 05:02:32 am
    • Waegwan, Chilgok, Gyeongbuk
Index has been updated up to this point.
Please click "Report to moderator" for posts that show harassment, fighting, rudeness, or which otherwise go against waygook's general terms and conditions.  Thanks for your assistance!

  • lkc4rang
  • Waygookin

    • 11

    • March 07, 2011, 02:42:54 pm
    • Korea
You have to make atleast 5 posts before you can dl the lessons.

  • gato_esl
  • Adventurer

    • 30

    • March 31, 2011, 08:43:05 pm
    • Gwangju, South Korea
Hi all, I did a ppt for "What a Beautiful World/Phrasals" and thought I'd pass it alogn. 

  • gato_esl
  • Adventurer

    • 30

    • March 31, 2011, 08:43:05 pm
    • Gwangju, South Korea
Here are the videos for the odp above...

For Grade 3, Lesson 5, explaining "cause" and "result" -  I found an awesome game from this blog:

How I play it: divide the class into teams.  Teams each get chances to find two cards that match.  Once they find a match, to get points, they'll have to make a sentence including both the cause and the result: "I ate too much, so I got a stomachache." 

I started to play this with my grumpy 9:00 a.m. Monday class, and they seemed to be getting into it.  If you play this, look at the slides first and make sure you know which cards are a match in advance.

Great game although it did confuse me for quite a while. I am probably at about Grade one intelligence though so it should work fine!

  • KarizmaB
  • Adventurer

    • 34

    • December 27, 2010, 10:12:26 pm
    • Uijeongbu, South Korea
Lesson 6 Grade 3: Extreme Sports

Thanks to the waygook search feature I found a ton of great resources on sports and extreme sports to modify and use for this lesson. Credit goes out to all the OPs!

Attached is my lesson plan and materials for week 1 of lesson 6. I imagine the card game could easily be continued into week two. The only change I made for my lower level class is to have them speak the dialogue instead of writing it.

My grade 3 classes have been delayed due to exams so let me know how it works for you and if you have any suggestions for improvement.


3rd grade Stand & Sit review, Lessons 1-5

This is a review game ("game" is used loosely here) for third grade, with a few questions from each of the first five chapters.

Have all students stand up.  Turn on the powerpoint.  Students volunteer to answer the question shown on the screen.  When a student answers successfully, click once to reveal their "reward."  Students can (a) sit down alone, (b) sit down with one student of their choice, (c) sit down with a row of their choice, (d)  sit down alone and choose two students to stand up, and (e) sit down a lone and choose a row to stand up.  The very last slide allows all students to sit down.

There are 20 questions in total.  Not only does this usually require some of the more quiet students to talk, it also gets the rest of the class motivated.  If your students are anything like mine the idea of standing is basically torture.  This will not last a full class period, but would be a good add-on at the end due to its continuous nature and lack of points.  Plus it's fun to hear the students argue over who should sit down.

Summerthyme, you are a genius. I tried this with my toughest class first and they all got involved. I then tried it with my best class and they were annoyed when it was over, such was their enjoyment. Now i'm using it with all the rest. It's easy to understand, fun and actually educational. Thanks a million!

  • Koriain13
  • Explorer

    • 5

    • October 17, 2010, 10:32:59 pm
    • daegu, south korea
Yeah, sometimes it's hard figuring out what the learning objectives really are in these books

  • Koriain13
  • Explorer

    • 5

    • October 17, 2010, 10:32:59 pm
    • daegu, south korea
I like the cause and result game...wish I had thought of that

Does anyone know where I can get the other half of these lesson plans for the textbooks Middle school english(Mark Brown,William Roszell),the lesson plans from lesson 6 onwards for all three grades?
Do you want a 5-10 Dollar discount on your first purchase from this code KSZ711 when you make a purchase.

  • gookie
  • Super Waygook

    • 333

    • August 31, 2010, 12:03:12 pm
    • Daegu
sup guys, I hope your summer is going well...

I was thinking about my next semester when I will start teaching the 3rd graders with the new book. Last semester, I had some trouble coming up with creative/fun ways of teaching the section "Real-life Scene". What do you guys do for this section?

  • DharmaX
  • Waygookin

    • 13

    • August 05, 2011, 10:34:48 am
    • Busan, Korea
Grade 2 Lesson 5 Part 1 - Catching up with friends

1) PowerPoint lesson with included pass dice game at the end

2) Guess Where Game - What's Up? (First time trying it out and it was a hit with all my classes)
- Students will work in teams to find the matching cards
- Once they find a matching pair, the rest of the class will ask, "What's up?" "How's everything?" "How's it going?"
- The team will then read the answer to receive 1 point. Alternatively, you could have someone come up and toss a dice.

Thanks for the lesson. It was great.
Here is an additional Practice/Activate activity I use.

Activate/Practice Activity: Match the Conversation
Time:10-12 mins

Split the class into two groups, depending on the size of your class 10-15 in each group. Pass out different conversation matching sheet to group 1 (five different sheets). Pass out 1 conversation cards to each student in group 2. Each student in group 2 should have a different card, though if you’re working with groups of 15 or more, some students will have the same card. Group 2 must hide their cards from group 1 members and only answer to "What's up/How are you doing/How's it  going?" questions. Group 1 will have 8 minutes to find a matching conversation from GP2 to complete each conversation block on their worksheet. Group 1 must have the entire conversation with group 2 members and record the student’s name he or she spoke with.

The student who finishes first wins, though I would advice making at least 3 places. The winning student should state who he or she spoke to and the class can go through the answers together. It is up to the teacher to give a reward, though the accomplishment may be reward enough.

Your class should get a little crazy, so try to ensure students are having the complete conversations to complete the worksheets answers (not just asking “Do you have the basketball conversation?”). If you catch students cheating, give them a completely new sheet. If your co-teacher is friendly and cooperative, ask him/her to help facilitate. 


  • Borababe1
  • Waygookin

    • 17

    • April 01, 2011, 11:13:34 am
    • Bora-dong, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si
Is anyone on Lesson 6 for Middle School?  Lesson or Back to School Ideas?  Can't seem to find many posts for lesson 6 (grades 1-3)??

  • ejoubert
  • Explorer

    • 7

    • February 23, 2011, 06:11:44 pm
    • Daegu
Lesson 6 Ready to enjoy extreme excitement?
« Reply #259 on: August 22, 2011, 12:29:51 pm »
Hi guys.
Hope I'm posting this in the right place. Here is my ppt for lesson 6. It is of the whole lesson so you can chop and change as you need it. I'm going to do this over two weeks because I will be incorporating the textbook.  The blank slide is where I do Ready and Action. I'm also going to integrate some of the activities from the activity book at certain places. Also... I just saw a couple of typo's so make sure to correct them if you want to use this.