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I'm adding a game I did for G2, L3 on invitations using "would you like to..." . Unfortunately, it's all paper based and I do not have any card templates on my computer for what I did!

On bright green index cards, I wrote different invitations, such as "Would you like to come to my party?" etc. With more time or more advanced kids you could try having them write their own invitation questions on the cards instead of giving them. I made 2 invitation cards for each team, but of course you could choose more or less.

Using this website:
I made 8 cards with "yes" replies from the book for each team.  I also made 8 cards with "no replies". Since there's only so many ways to say yes or no, I repeated the replies twice for the "yes" cards and 4 times for the "no" cards (i.e. each team gets 4 cards that say "Sorry, I can't" and 4 that say "Sorry, maybe next time")

In total, each team gets 16 cards. Be sure to number the card sets on the back with the team numbers--this is important for later in the game.

-Divide the class into teams and give each team a set of yes and no cards.
-Choose 2 students from each team to be the "inviters" for their team. Explain that these students must visit all of the other teams in the class and invite them to whatever is written on the card. They must collect as many "yes" replies as they can from other teams in the allotted time.
-The rest of the team must stay at their table or section of the classroom. They are responsible for deciding who to give their "yes" and "no' cards to. When they are invited by another team's student they must say what is on their "yes" or "no" card, not just hand it to them. Ex: Team 1 student to Team 3 Student: "Would you like to eat dinner with me?" Team 3 Student: "Sorry, maybe next time."

-Here's the trick: A team CANNOT count their own "yes" cards as part of their score. They can only get points from cards they have received from other teams. This is why it is important to label your card sets with numbers and assign the same numbers to the teams.

Note: When choosing the students who will go around doing the inviting, I recommend picking out the kids who don't ever participate, or tend to be troublemakers. It's a great way to get them involved and give them a sense of responsibility.

I've only done it with one quite low level class, and I'd say it was a hit! The majority participated well, and it looked like they had fun.

  • Linpap
  • Adventurer

    • 34

    • March 13, 2011, 07:17:04 pm
Let me try one more time to upload this*

This midterm review game is based on the Halloween game posted earlier by another waygooker.

I changed it a little bit to suit my students in the 1st and 2nd grade.

I noticed that, although we are doing Mark Brown, my 1st Grade Lesson 2 was "My cousin from America" while most of you were doing "My twin sister".. So I had to change it from the original one posted.

My 2nd graders like to be spoonfed so you might find that game a little to easy too.

I hope you find them useful.

I would also like to thank the person who designed the game originally. A lot of work went into this game. Thank you.

  • karenology
  • Veteran

    • 239

    • October 03, 2010, 06:00:08 pm
    • South Korea
I found out that lesson 3 is going to be on my students' midterm...even though the students supposedly haven't started that lesson yet in their regular English classes ??? anyway, here's what I have for it.  I've started the first part of it with some of my classes and it's gone okay so far.  My students are intermediate level. 

Slide 8:
incredible story about a boy who "sees" via echolocation, though the visual of him putting his glass eyes in might disturb your students.  I only showed the first 3 or 4 minutes of this because the latter half of the video is dialogue-heavy.

Slide 9:
"Ice" man. Again, showed only about a minute or 2 of this.  They get the idea pretty quickly.  "Crazy man!"

Slide 10:
World's smallest bodybuilder.  I just showed this until the title credits.  Some of my students recognized him from Korean TV!

Slide 12 is just a video of Nelson Muntz from the Simpsons going "ha ha!" available here:

At the end of the powerpoint I'll give students the attached worksheet, based on page 57 in the text.  I plan to do a "Guess Who" style activity where I'll read off some of what the students have written, and have their classmates try and guess who it is.  I'm not sure how to turn it into a proper game with a reward, though.  Any suggestions?

  • Seoulian
  • Veteran

    • 190

    • September 13, 2010, 08:09:40 am
    • Seoul
Thanks for the lesson karenology, it's awesome.

I also added Kim Ung-Young, he is a Korean super-genius,Beethoveen  and Helen Keller to my presentation.

I am going to play one half of the class vs. the other ( i might do boys vs. girls). The one side will get three chances to guess who it is and will get a point if they do it right. It is exam time, so I might just give the students a candy if they get the question right.

  • davs34
  • Adventurer

    • 27

    • September 06, 2010, 02:16:02 pm
    • Daegu, South Korea
Mario review games:
What I did for each of these lessons was go back though Real-Life Scene and Communication Spotlight for all three lessons so far then used these games at the end of the period to eat up the last 15-20 minutes.
For the grade 1s I used some of the questions from the Halloween game posted earlier.

One correction, in the grade 2 .pptx on slide 21 you should delete the word "thing." Not sure why I typed it.

And for clarification, if you can't figure it out yourself:
"1. Review 1-3 game.pptx" is Grade 1
"2. Review 1-3 game.pptx" is Grade 2
"3. Review 1-3 game.pptx" is Grade 3
« Last Edit: April 27, 2011, 09:34:12 am by davs34 »

  • nzaslow
  • Veteran

    • 91

    • November 17, 2009, 08:46:51 pm
    • Seoul
Low/Multi level
Born This Way - on being unique

Today's Words: Superstars, unique 독특한, disability 장애, teased 괴롭히다, born 태어난.

I took the Born This Way lesson, made it a bit simpler, and threw in a ton of Korean. Besides the listening activity, the students will make little "I'm unique because ----" self portraits to decorate the room.

Video used:

EDIT: Updated all the attachments, especially the Korean handout with the correct lyrics (my first one was off by a lot!). The circular handouts that I used for the students to fill in are the PDF file. This lesson went very well but three thoughts:

1. My lesson is for a very mixed class. If you have high level students, check out this page for more complex uses of Lady gaga's song:,6166.0.html
2. On the "Orientation" slide I would ask my students "Who is in the picture?" to which someone almost always called out"GAY!" and there was some giggling. Once they stopped laughing, I would point at the word 'unique' that I have on the board  (along with the rest of today's words) and say something like- "Yes, they are gay! Gay is _____?"  and they will all yell 'UNIQUE!!' LGBT stuff is kind of closeted  (:P) in Korea, but none of my co's had an issue with this lesson, and the students understand that we shouldn't tease some for being unique.
3. Ask your students to describe how Pikacu is unique - what he looks like, what he likes, and what his hobbies are. That slide went over very very well!
« Last Edit: May 14, 2011, 09:27:16 am by nzaslow »

  • Olive26
  • Newgookin

    • 4

    • February 22, 2011, 07:33:18 pm
    • Daegu, South Korea
Attached is the PowerPoint I used for Grade 3 Lesson 3.

  • nzaslow
  • Veteran

    • 91

    • November 17, 2009, 08:46:51 pm
    • Seoul
I teach first year and share the same book.

 8) Put up your stuff!

  • summerthyme
  • Featured Contributor

    • 1108

    • July 10, 2010, 05:02:32 am
    • Waegwan, Chilgok, Gyeongbuk
Review for Grade 2, lessons 1 & 2.

The PPT goes over introducing others, giving and accepting apologies, taking orders, etc.  There are some open answer questions, fill-in-the-blanks, multi-choice questions, etc.  I also made a bomb game with the annoying orange template but I never ended up using it.
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I think i'm a little ahead of everyone else - only two weeks to each chapter may have done that - but here is my ppt for Grade 2 Lesson 4 - Why do birds sing? Not hugely chapter related but it's close enough. Credit to the person who originally posted this and I just edited it a bit. Enjoy!

  • cmc61
  • Waygookin

    • 15

    • April 01, 2011, 07:43:53 am
    • Jinju
Here's is a small game I did to teach the difference between "have" and "has"

This does have a personal slide in it though, so make sure you change it!

  • frappps
  • Veteran

    • 130

    • September 02, 2010, 11:10:07 am
    • Ethiopia
Grade 2 Lesson 4: Week 1

  • flips
  • Veteran

    • 137

    • August 07, 2010, 09:28:04 am
g01l04, p1

the youtube links are:

hat tip to jaybird for the lucky wheel game. will upload the presentation and worksheet later.


  • jaybird
  • Veteran

    • 233

    • April 06, 2011, 10:54:23 am
    • South Korea
So I asked my co-teacher about the lesson topics for Grade 3 Lesson 4. It's thus:

Communication Spotlight:

A: Asking and answering if something is clear or not
B: Thinking about an answer
C: Admiration

to cover a three week period

  • Ko
  • Waygookin

    • 11

    • October 08, 2010, 08:22:38 am
    • korea
For Grade 2 Lesson 4 Why do birds sing? I want to give them a random video which I thought would be very interesting!

It's a video of the Lyre Bird singing its song! I thought it would be a random nice start to the lesson. Still working on my ppt. but here's the link if your interested.

  • Brimmy
  • Explorer

    • 6

    • March 03, 2011, 12:58:54 pm
    • South Korea
I'm completely stumped in coming up for ideas for grade 2 lesson 4.

Anyone have any suggestions?

  • Seoulian
  • Veteran

    • 190

    • September 13, 2010, 08:09:40 am
    • Seoul
Does anyone have any ideas for chapter 4 grade 3? Why doesn't this textbook have clear topics/grammar topics?  :'(

  • jaybird
  • Veteran

    • 233

    • April 06, 2011, 10:54:23 am
    • South Korea
Does anyone have any ideas for chapter 4 grade 3? Why doesn't this textbook have clear topics/grammar topics?  :'(

The topics are in Korean under Communication Spotlight. Ask your co-teacher to translate it for you.

  • Seoulian
  • Veteran

    • 190

    • September 13, 2010, 08:09:40 am
    • Seoul
Possibly the English textbook should be in ENglish  ???

  • frappps
  • Veteran

    • 130

    • September 02, 2010, 11:10:07 am
    • Ethiopia
Check the lesson plan that is in English. You should be able to find it in:

 \\Drive:\\DIRECTORY\\능률\장영희 중3영어\fscommand\05 수업지도안 자료실