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Author Topic: Thomas Orr Textbooks (Middle School)  (Read 284530 times)

Offline daninsanam

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Re: Thomas Orr Textbooks (Middle School)
« Reply #40 on: March 08, 2011, 02:55:00 PM »
i'm sure there are lots of N.Koreans who think their life is just fine, too, they simply don't know how much better it can be :-)

I'm sure there are lots of young South Koreans who think their lives suck, they simply don't know how much worse it was for their grandparents. :-)

Offline fudoose

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Re: Thomas Orr Textbooks (Middle School)
« Reply #41 on: March 08, 2011, 04:02:17 PM »
I agree with Jessica, the books really aren't too bad, I used to have that wood effect book last year, the dialogues were really quite incredible! Remember eyes for the blind club?.. Jesus that was horrendous.

Also I really like the fact that the book is totally lame, It would be far worse if the book tried to be cool and was full of K-pop and T.V stars that by the time the book could be published weren't cool anymore anyway. That would be even more tragic than the twee little Raccoon propping up the pages.

Anyway I thought I would try and explain my lesson in the attempt to help anyone struggling with the books.

I do conversation class, so my lessons only involve speaking activities, The less I speak the better.

First brainstorm Free time
What is it?
When do you get it?
Who do you do it with?
Do you get enough?
What would you do with more?
When your 50 what will you do?  e.t.c

Throw points around like crazy, especially for a perfect sentence with a because in the middle!

when the board is full of words and sentences. Move on to the world leader Jigsaw activity

I really like these activities, it makes sure every student has to speak and gets the groups in competition mode. Also the responses to what does Barack Obama like doing in his free time were hilarious, killing puppies was my personal fav.

You need to print "World leader game ppt" and make enough copies fro your groups.

Each student in a group of 4 is a politician, they each read their clue to the rest of the group and work out the answer, no peeking at each others cards, go through the first one in front of the class

e.g Student A (2.M.B)            says "5 players"
     Student B ( Ban Ki Moon)  says "Dunk"
     Student c  (Hu Jintao)      says "Orange Ball"
     Student D (D.C)              says "Michael Jordan"

Whats the answer? A student will shout out basketball.. correct him by saying "Playing basketball" make sure they all understand. Go round giving more cluesif they need it, and correcting when they forget verb + ing.

Go through answers give loads of points out.

Next is a find someone who activity, instead of letting the student say their own answers, I give them their responses (free time ppt). This activity just forces them to use the target language in the dialogue on the top of page 11.

 I also elicit all the past times before we play in front of the class and write them on the board.

Students pick which past times they will play with, first person to find 8 people wins (8 different people) give everyone points down to around 10th to finish.

Its best to structure this activity like a rapid fire interview, one question each (around 10 seconds) then Shout CHANGE!, otherwise everyone cheats.

Finally theres a game like 20 questions only its 6 questions, (must be about free time only), Give them a choice of celebrities on the screen, choose one, and get them to find out who you are just by the answers you give about free time (just make it up, but obviously Bom from 2ne1 will have different interests to Myung Buk., dont make it easy by giving them to much information so their questions have to get really inventive.

Have them guess in teams after the 6 questions have been asked, throw points about for inventive questions take points away for boring ones. This is a good chance to get a few teams in to a tight scrap on the points board.

After doing the first two famous people pick a strong student to be Santa on the last round.

Winning team get a stamp each.

Sorry if thats really confusing, it makes sense in my head. All the games are really simple Ive just made it sound complicated.

Phew....... cant believe I just wrote all that, I'm such a loser!

This is for high level by the way. I know it hardly sticks to the textbook, but at least the students are speaking most of the time.

Offline cocoinkorea

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Re: Thomas Orr Textbooks (Middle School)
« Reply #42 on: March 09, 2011, 10:09:38 AM »
I just created the lesson for Grade 2 , Lesson 1 (Speak Out) : Describing/Asking about Food.

You can find the materials here if interested:


Offline jessicateacher

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Re: Thomas Orr Textbooks (Middle School)
« Reply #43 on: March 09, 2011, 10:13:22 AM »
OH WOW! I really thought I was the only one using the books with the wooden cover! Personally I always enjoyed teaching the students why they need to change the textbook dialogue "what's your problem?" to "what's the matter?"

oh and I always enjoyed the dialogue where the woman loses her dog . . . .on a bus. and then asks people on the bus for help finding her DOG on a Bus! Kills me every time!

Offline machoman

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Re: Thomas Orr Textbooks (Middle School)
« Reply #44 on: March 09, 2011, 10:24:39 AM »
anyone have ideas for 3rd grade lesson 3? 

"Do you remember _______" and "I'm glad to hear that"

Offline greyskymornings

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Grade 3, Lesson 1 ("I'm supposed to...) Lesson
« Reply #45 on: March 09, 2011, 11:58:27 AM »
Hey all-

I'm using the Thomas Orr books this year too. I'll be sure to post my stuff as I go along.

Here is the short powerpoint I'm using with Grade 3, Lesson 1 ("The Full Jar"...?)

I think I'm going to put the kids into pairs and have them write down their guesses for each sentence, correct them as we go through, and then see which pair did the best at the end.

Offline greyskymornings

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Grade 3, Lesson 1 ("I'm supposed to...) Lesson UPDATED
« Reply #46 on: March 10, 2011, 07:58:34 AM »
Updated version of yesterday's ppt...

Offline duchessrachel

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Re: Thomas Orr Textbooks (Middle School)
« Reply #47 on: March 10, 2011, 09:24:12 AM »
Grade 2: Lesson 1- How Often Do You... ? + adverbs of frequency

I used this last year. I might change is up this year and make it into a game. If so, I'll post it later.

I haven't started teaching yet. In fact, I still haven't even gotten a schedule. I'm assuming I'll start Monday.

Offline renard.tami

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Re: Thomas Orr Textbooks (Middle School)
« Reply #48 on: March 10, 2011, 03:33:24 PM »
I teach 1st and 3rd grade: Here are my lessons for the first section of unit 1.

Grade 1: (A) This is my brother, Todd.

Grade 3: (A) What do you like doing on weekends?

Offline Cranberryopah

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Re: Thomas Orr Textbooks (Middle School)
« Reply #49 on: March 10, 2011, 05:20:22 PM »
    Thomas Orr, Grade 1, L 1 "I'm Lucky"

    Since so very many of my Ss cannot see the board,  I crank up the font, space out the pics, and insert extra slides.

    • a review of seasonal temperatures using (purloined) gr 6 pics, and
      a seasonal activities discussion modified fr. a PPt I rec'd from a former Korean co-teacher. PPt & PPx
      lyrics doc. for "What's the weather" by Thomas Weatherall. A web address is next to the title.
      "What's the weather" Lyrics PPt in v. large font with some translation...added Mar 16
« Last Edit: March 16, 2011, 10:07:22 AM by Cranberryopah »

Offline jamespstyles

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Re: Thomas Orr Textbooks (Middle School)
« Reply #50 on: March 11, 2011, 07:14:19 AM »
Hi guy's. I will post up some of my lesson plans (for what their worth) shortly. My problem - being a new teacher is I am struggling to get the class using the vocabulary amongst themselves. There is generally a lot of noise in the classroom and Korean being spoken.

I am happy with explaining and introducing the new language - I just want suggestions as to how to get them talking and using it! Could someone suggest some activities (lesson specific if possible) that get the students to use the target language.

Your help is much appreciated!
« Last Edit: March 11, 2011, 07:25:55 AM by jamespstyles »

Offline olivergrant

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1st graders lesson 1
« Reply #51 on: March 11, 2011, 09:20:52 AM »
1st graders lesson 1

for the role play I had 3 pieces of paper with the characters name. I chose students to do the role play, then when finished, I let them chose other classmates to come up. They had fun.

Offline Cranberryopah

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Re: Thomas Orr Textbooks (Middle School)
« Reply #52 on: March 11, 2011, 10:23:40 AM »
Grade 3, L 1, "The full jar"
Grade 3 Lesson 1
Ok, here's some stuff I threw together for this class. It's pretty basic, so you can adapt it....

My kids struggle to see the board. I adapted your PPt for my  glassesly-challenged kids. I moved a few things around. Thank you for the inspiration.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2011, 12:16:41 PM by Cranberryopah »

Offline be the ball

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Re: Thomas Orr Textbooks (Middle School)
« Reply #53 on: March 14, 2011, 01:45:46 PM »
Grade 1 Lesson 2 School is Fun

Here's my lesson from last year. Pretty self-explanatory

good luck

Offline duchessrachel

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Re: Thomas Orr Textbooks (Middle School)
« Reply #54 on: March 15, 2011, 10:01:08 AM »
Grade 2- Lesson 1 : Describing Food and Using Adverbs of Frequency

I borrowed part of "Fatboy's" PPT about describing food (Thanks!) and combined it with a revamped version of my lesson from last year "How often do you."

I added a PPT game to play (Star Power-- Thanks to the creator of that template!) and a new worksheet to go along with the main PPT.

Offline fatboy

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Re: Thomas Orr Textbooks (Middle School)
« Reply #55 on: March 15, 2011, 10:34:21 AM »
Grade 3 Lesson 1
I whipped up a BAAM ppt game for lesson 1. If anyone is still on this unit, it will easily kill 15 minutes of potentially dead air. I foresee a lot of BAAM games for my kids in the next few months..

Offline raka_dier

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Re: Thomas Orr Textbooks (Middle School)
« Reply #56 on: March 15, 2011, 11:00:27 AM »
@ fatboy.
Thanks for the BAAM game! Will come in handy if (more likely when) my activity fails)

Offline greyskymornings

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Grade 3, Lesson 2 ("I'd love to, but I can't...)
« Reply #57 on: March 16, 2011, 08:39:07 AM »
Hey guys-

So this is a group of worksheets that I used for Grade 3, Lesson 2. I got the idea from a post on this board and then made the supplemental stuff.

Basically, there are five different versions of a week-long calendar, each with two different "free" days. The students have to go around "making dates", asking things like "Can you go to the movies with me on Sunday?" and the partner checks their schedule. If they're free, they make a date, if not, they have to say "I'd love to, but I can't" and try again.

The other stuff at the end of the ppt are different "ailments" for the "I'd suggest you..." part of the lesson. I cut them out and taped them on the students' backs and had them collect suggestions to try to guess what their problem was. I can't remember who posted that idea on this board, but it worked really well! Thanks!

Offline rxqueen

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Grade 3, Lesson 2 (Can you go to....?)
« Reply #58 on: March 17, 2011, 09:10:27 AM »
Is this correct:
Can you go to the movies with me?

Shouldn't it be:
Can you come to the movies with me?

Or do they both work?  Maybe I'm nitpicking.  Someone, please clarify!

Offline cocoinkorea

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Grade 2, Lesson 1 (Speak Out) - Adverbs of Frequency
« Reply #59 on: March 17, 2011, 09:51:56 AM »
Through my website, you can access all of the materials I posted for

Grade 2, Lesson 1 (Speak Out) - Adverbs of Frequency

I just uploaded them today.

Happy Teaching!


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