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Author Topic: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink  (Read 272740 times)

Offline gyopo

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #100 on: May 04, 2011, 02:34:44 PM »
Teaching materials for Middle School 1 (1st year - Georgeanna Hall green book)

Middle School English 1 - Lesson 4 - Listen and Speak 1 (How often do you...?)

How are you Structuring the Lesson ???

(This is for the Middle School English 1 Georgeanna Hall green book)

I apologize for the late reply. I uploaded the materials just a few minutes before my first class of the day and I didn't have time to post a lesson sequence.

My lesson sequence is:


I gave a 5 to 10 minute explanation of the expressions/phrases "every day, once a week, twice a week, twice a month.

If you wish, you may expand your explanation to include "once a day, twice a day, three times a day, once a week, twice a week, three times a week, once a month, twice a month, three times a month, once a year, twice a year, three times a year")

My 3rd activity is the 7 slide Frequency Adverb Powerpoint.

My 4th activity is the "basketball" Youtube video to give my students some "follow along with the video" speaking practice.

If you have time left over, you can move on to the "How often do you practice handout" PDF file.

If you still have time remaining after that, you can move on to the "Leisure Time Activities and Adverbs of Frequency" PDF.

Hope this helps a bit

Offline gyopo

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #101 on: May 06, 2011, 08:23:54 AM »
This chapter is so much fun!

I'm using this site for logos:

and used youtube clips:

and also used this logo ppt that someone else made:

These materials were originally uploaded by jeonjuhustle. These are teaching materials for the Lesson 4 (Advertisements and Our Life) -- Daniel Ryan Keller Middle School English 2 yellow book.

Offline sophia

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #102 on: May 06, 2011, 03:25:26 PM »
Why are some files .odt???

I can't open any of those.

Offline jproux

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #103 on: May 06, 2011, 08:05:44 PM »
.odt is me: it's open office and my microsoft word can open it. maybe you need a plug in? i use it because my school doesn't have a language pack on its computers so i can't switch from hangeul. just inherited it from my predecessor and been too lazy to change. i will post in .doc format from now!

Offline shecriedwolf

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #104 on: May 08, 2011, 05:14:17 PM »
I am uploading all my LEVEL 1 Lesson plans for next semester.
At my school, I am responsible for LISTEN & SPEAK 1+2 and LETS COMMUNICATE for each chapter in the course of 2 weeks.

The lesson plan can be followed as you would follow your book(LISTEN & SPEAK 1), but with a few more supplementary things/info/examples/random factoids.

LESSON 7:: CONSERVATION & The environment
ACTIVITY: Give students a piece of garbage that can be recycled. (IE: Glass pop bottle / Stained T- shirt/ coke tabs/ etc.)
                Ask their groups to come up with creative ways to REUSE that piece of garbage for another purpose.
                Do presentations. Get points for Market Day.

Offline shecriedwolf

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #105 on: May 08, 2011, 05:25:01 PM »
LESSON 7 pt2 :: The Weather
ACTIVITY1:: WEATHER VOCABULARY ------>Cloze activity with "Why does it always rain on me?" by TRAVIS

ACTIVITY 2: Fill in the blank forecast by listening to a TV forecast.
                   Partner work. Choose 2 locations. (IE: NEW YORK CITY / BUSAN)
                   Make up your own forecast and make a phone dialog to discuss what the weather is like in respective city.

Offline shecriedwolf

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #106 on: May 08, 2011, 05:39:35 PM »

ACTIVITY:: Make groups.
                 Write 5 common expressions using idioms on the board (IE that's a 'piece of cake')
                 Have groups guess the meaning of 2 each. Presentation will be the groups presenting their interpretations.
                 Disclose the real meaning at the end of class.

Offline shecriedwolf

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #107 on: May 08, 2011, 05:52:55 PM »

ACTIVITY:: Partner work. Find your partners top 3 skills/interests.
                 Think of 2 jobs that will fit their skills.
                 Presentation will be summarizing your findings on your partner.
                 (IE: Mi Hae is good at writing and likes to read mysteries.
                       She could be a mystery fiction writer in the future.)
DISCUSSION:: What are the worst jobs in the world? Why?

Offline twak24

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #108 on: May 12, 2011, 10:56:38 AM »
I have to do Grade 1, Let's Communicate, Page 71 for open class soon. I need to do something with lots of pictures for descriptions or whatnot for the present continuous tense. Has anyone of you 'Gookyins got something steller to share. (Ore even not steller, but adaptable/ expandable).

Offline sophia

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #109 on: May 12, 2011, 02:16:45 PM »
I put together a little activity to throw some movement into the classroom that gets the students practicing the language for 1st grade in chapter 4, Listen and Speak I (page 49).  Good for medium to high level, but could be modified for low level (you'll need more support in explaining the directions for low level, too).

Get students into groups if it is convenient, but I just keep them in their rows and have each row be a group. 

There are six different "character pages"; print them out and tape them to different areas of the room.  I covered the text with an additional flap of paper to discourage cheating.

There are two roles that every student will have at one point in the game: "writer" (student doing the listening and writing), and the "runner" (student moving to the character pages, reading them, and reciting the info back to the writer).

Give the first student in each group the worksheet; they will write first.  You may also tell each group to start on different "character pages" (group 1 - start with Mary, group 2 - Bob...) so that the runners aren't banging into each other.

The idea is that a student on the team will write while a different student runs to the correct character page, remembers the information on the character page, and then runs back to their teammate to recite the information.  There should never be more than ONE student from each team standing at a time - deduct points from any team with more than one student standing.

After the first student has written, they pass the paper to the next teammate and stand up to gather the info on the next character page (so the "writer" then becomes the "runner").

If you are playing in rows, to begin the game the last person in the line will be the "runner" for the writer (who is in first position).  In a circular group that won't matter!

The first team to complete there sheet wins!

Hey, this is great, but one of the papers that I would stick on the wall has the name Jessica, but the sentence Mary's hobby is inline skating...

Can you change it and repost it, since I can't modify the file :/

Also a lot of the other pdf files for this lesson are corrupt and won't open and some ppts as well.

Is anyone else having this problem?

Those gr.1 lesson 4 uploads are really good, I want to use them all!

Offline alanoc84

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #110 on: May 13, 2011, 11:23:17 AM »

For advertisements, I had my kids bring in colors (markers, colored pencils) and I had an advertisement contest.  I pree-taught some common sales superlatives and phrases (the best, cheapest, buy 2 get 1 free) and they had to think of a product, draw a picture, write two sentences and include superlatives.  After I had a best-ad contest where students couldn't choose their own ads.  Best team gets a prize.  The kiddies had a ball with that in most classes last year. For prep's sake, group them and give a sheet of A4 printer paper to each group.

I really liked this idea. I printed off a bunch of pictures from different countries and the students had to make a poster. Sticking all the pictures on and then writing a short paragraph about the picture. I have 8 teams in my classroom so 8 different countries. Each country had different pictures; food, tourist attractions, famous sports etc...
I have some time to kill because I have to stay behind the Korean English classes. It's a 2 week lesson, the first week they prepare the posters and the second week they have to present the posters and tell the class about the country. So far it's going really well. The presentations are next week!!!

Offline jproux

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #111 on: May 16, 2011, 09:15:14 AM »
i've split chapter 4 into 2 lessons. i played the jeopardy game posted earlier in this thread today. i adapted it to have more questions based on L&S1 and asking permission and less identification of brand logos. the adapted version is attached.

I've also started a new initiative in my class. 20% of my students' English mark is for speaking, of which 4% is based on a coupon reward system my co-teacher and I run - basically to incentivize students to participate more. Last week I opened a Twitter account for this and will be posting weekly questions to which the students can answer. Good answers score coupons. The questions will cover anything from the content of the lessons to more general themes from current affairs.

Offline jproux

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #112 on: May 16, 2011, 02:01:03 PM »
for the 2nd lesson on chapter 4 i will be doing comparatives/superlatives and prepositions. attached is a .doc version of the .odt file some couldn't open earlier as well as a ppt for comparatives.

Offline sophia

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #113 on: May 17, 2011, 02:27:23 PM »
Grade 3
Lesson 4
Listen and Speak 1 "I'd like to..."

This is just a simple powerpoint with an extended activity for them to do based on p.75 from the purple activity book.

I also show them this video, they think it's really funny.

Offline casper1004

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #114 on: May 19, 2011, 08:42:16 AM »
Hey I really like your idea, I was really stuck on this lesson, I wasn't sure what to do for this chapter... I took your lesson and modified it. I hope you like it...

Offline Shinsegae

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #115 on: May 19, 2011, 02:19:17 PM »
Anyone have any good ideas for third grade lesson 5 (The Father of Video Art)? in particular anything interesting to teach about in the "warm up" section?  im not feeling inspired by art   :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Offline k.l.

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #116 on: May 20, 2011, 01:03:57 PM »
Grade 1 Unit 5 Think and Write page 70. I will be using this for my open class next week with a low level. I am focusing on the language they had studied in Grade 5 of Elementary school (the ppt is an amalgamation of 2 others and my own input.)

I will have them review language that they know already and have them work on describing people on the worksheet with some writing practice. I will then have them do a writing activity similar to page 70 in the book but about people instead of a pet.

After that, I will have groups or pairs work on a "Guess Who" activity on the worksheet so that they can practice speaking and use some of the language on page 71 of the green book. Finally we will do a group shooting activity. I will bring in a nerf gun, but a ball of paper may do. I would have another team describe a pokemon on one of  rectangles (give them the description) One of the rectangles, when clicked on, will have a question for team points. The others have turkeys. If they get the question and can answer, award team points. At the end of class, I award the team with the most points a performance sticker.

There are only 5 questions and I use this as a cool down as students tend to get too excited when shooting. If they miss, I let them answer anyway or if they really miss and hit another by mistake I "turkey" them and have another team try.

Offline jproux

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #117 on: May 20, 2011, 03:16:49 PM »
hey guys and gals

here is my video for Grade 2 Lesson 4 together with 2 attached listening activities; one for advanced students, one for beginners.

Offline jproux

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #118 on: May 20, 2011, 03:19:05 PM »
apologies, i know some of you can't open .odt
here are the .doc versions

Offline jproux

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #119 on: May 20, 2011, 03:45:02 PM »
and here is the video and accompanying listening exercises for Grade 1 Lesson 4