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Author Topic: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink  (Read 272743 times)

Offline Catfish

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #240 on: September 30, 2011, 09:18:41 PM »
@mogbert: It is UKiss!  They just came out with a new album which I really like.  Unfortunately, I didn't get as many "Wow, Cool English Teacher Knows Kpop Brownie Points" from knowing UKiss as I thought I would.  :(  But I'm glad your kids got a kick out of it. :D

I'm glad you liked the activity!

@htan: I tried to send you an email, but I think the file might be too big for a google account email.  Sorry!  So I've reloaded the original ppt file and put up a Open Office File (.odp).  Unfortunately, converting from .ppt to .odp isn't the smoothest of transfers and some of the graphics and such in the .odp don't always work. (Returning back to the main page and having that specific question disappear is the most annoying one.  But sometimes you also need to check the custom animation of the correct-answer-points.  Just run through the presentation quickly to see the changes and then you can fix 'em.) 

Hope this helps generate some ideas! 

Happy long weekend everyone!

Offline beeko79

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #241 on: September 30, 2011, 10:23:01 PM »
Thanks for all the ideas to make the lessons for these books more fun and entertaining!  I just started at my school at the beginning of Sepetmber and have to stick quite religiously to the books, which are a little dry.  Yes I've discovered how incorporating KPop into your lessons can go a long way with middle schoolers!
Seems like some of you are a little ahead of where we are in the books but hopefuly I'll be able to share some of my ideas soon  :)

Offline Jaeesson Teacha

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Lesson 9 - Grade 1
« Reply #242 on: October 03, 2011, 03:11:42 PM »
I know most of you have probably finished lesson 9, but here is what I did for Grades 1 and 2.  It worked pretty well although some of it was dry (I had to incorporate the textbook, so I made a handout...

(I will post grade 2 separately in another post)

Lesson plan:

Start by asking students when is the past.  Review past tense structure by having students change the sentence.  This takes no more than 2 minutes.  Then Listen to the song Summer Nights from the Grease soundtrack.  (I had a handout but unfortunately do not have it on my computer).  All you need to do is copy and paste the lyrics and change all the verbs into the present tense and put them in brackets.  While you are playing the sound (I used the youtube video - link included in ppt), have students change all the verbs into the past tense.  This offers a good review for them while making it fun.  I also found that giving students background on the song and movie makes them appreciate it even more.  This activity worked as well with my beginners as with my advanced classes.

Next, introduce the handout (included) and have students roam around the room trying to find people who did the actions on the sheet.  Emphasize that when they ask someone Did you... yesterday?, the verb is in the present (ie. Did you eat breakfast).  After the sheets have been completed, have students share with the class

Offline Jaeesson Teacha

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Lesson 9 - Grade 2
« Reply #243 on: October 03, 2011, 04:01:24 PM »
Lesson 9 - What would you do if...? (I am in charge of the "Let's communicate" section of each lesson.)

Ok so I just posted and it didn't work so I will try again...

Lesson plan:

First, write the word IF on the board.  Ask students what they think it means.  (For intermediate and advanced classes, tell also write IF = conditional).  Ask students "Do you have a million dollars?"  Hopefully, no one will raise their hands.  Then ask them, What would you do IF you had a million dollars.  You can give examples or listen to what students have to say.

Next, play the song "If I had a million dollars" by the barenaked ladies (link included in ppt).  Introduce the handout "What would you do if..."  Students must answer for themselves then go around asking friends what they would do if... (For beginner classes, help them fill out every scenario and only for themselves)  Emphasize the use of the proper language.

(Intermediate and advanced only - differentiated instruction)

Teach what the different level of conditionals are (ppt).  Then play the Conditionals billionaire game (online - link in ppt).  Split the classe into two groups and let them go at it.  Students loved this game.

Offline Jaeesson Teacha

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Any ideas for lesson 10 - grades 1, 2 & 3???
« Reply #244 on: October 03, 2011, 04:05:52 PM »
Just wondering if anyone has looked into lesson 10 for any of the middle school grade?  I start teaching the "Let's communicate" part soon and I am completely uninspired.  It's really hard to pick out what the lessons are actually about.

I will keep sharing my own material (ie lesson 9 for grades 1 & 2) when I come up with various activities to complement these lessons.

Thanks in advance!

Offline hansenlung

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #245 on: October 03, 2011, 05:18:38 PM »
definately loving some of these ideas, I'm currently thinking of stuff for ch.9 (for all levels) hopefully I can glean some really good ideas so that i can post them up on here fairly soon :)

Offline JamericanTeacher

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Lesson10-Future Tense
« Reply #246 on: October 04, 2011, 03:05:21 PM »
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie:

Absolutely PERFECT for this lesson!

Offline htan611

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2nd Grade Lessons 7-9 Review
« Reply #247 on: October 05, 2011, 12:04:22 PM »
I tailored my questions to "Focus on Forms" which are: reflexive/relative pronouns, ~to infinitives, "so...that", "If I were___then I would ___.", and using until.  Some questions were taken from Catfish (Thanks for your help!).

There are 2 questions you may want to change on Slide 12 and 25 which are about the use of "fun, funny, scared, or scary."

I used whiteboards and assigned each team a writer, speaker, and game player. Game player changed, but writer and speaker stayed the same (mostly because it's too hectic to change the jobs..). I downloaded the Free PC version of Angry Birds (just search for it) for students to play for points after answering the question.

PM me if you have questions! ^^

For some reason, I can't make any hyperlink to slide 12, 20, and 25 work (D,G,Q) and LVL 2 (U,T,N,K). If you can figure it out, let me know!

//EDIT 2// Thanks Daejeon/Shane!

I just changed the text on those specific slides (12, 20, 25) then re-hyperlinked them. Thanks for the tips of having less commas, numbers, and other symbols! Never thought it'd be that simple!

//EDIT 3//

Altered the broken points script.  Completely randomized now.

« Last Edit: October 07, 2011, 12:02:32 PM by Daejeon »


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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #248 on: October 06, 2011, 12:28:50 PM »
I tailored my questions to "Focus on Forms" which are: reflexive/relative pronouns, ~to infinitives, "so...that", "If I were___then I would ___.", and using until.  Some questions were taken from Catfish (Thanks for your help!).

There are 2 questions you may want to change on Slide 12 and 25 which are about the use of "fun, funny, scared, or scary."

I used whiteboards and assigned each team a writer, speaker, and game player. Game player changed, but writer and speaker stayed the same (mostly because it's too hectic to change the jobs..). I downloaded the Free PC version of Angry Birds (just search for it) for students to play for points after answering the question.

PM me if you have questions! ^^

For some reason, I can't make any hyperlink to slide 12, 20, and 25 work (D,G,Q) and LVL 2 (U,T,N,K). If you can figure it out, let me know!

The links to those slides aren't working because the slides are titled after the first text box.  In your text boxes on those slides you include many commas and sometimes numbers.  These are being interpreted by PowerPoint as being values in a array of code.

I suggest you use slashes to break up the sentences, and attach the KRW demonimation to slide 20, that will correct the problem.

Offline Tembo

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #249 on: October 06, 2011, 03:13:07 PM »
@ J-mercier85: Your powerpoint presentation for Grade 2 Unit 9 was really good, plus what you did for that lesson gave me some good ideas.  Thanks for posting it!

Offline Jaeesson Teacha

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Lesson 10 - Grade 3
« Reply #250 on: October 06, 2011, 05:13:42 PM »
Alright, I will try this again. I wrote the whole lesson plan only to have an error occur and lost everything.... So here goes...

Lesson 10 - Grade 3: Food: A Bridge between Cultures

After speaking with my coteacher, I approached this lesson from the thematic side rather than the form and focus of the chapter.  I don't claim ownership to any of the material provided.  I simply combined a few ppts I found on, made a handout and ta-da.

Lesson plan: Golden bell game (I had to Google it)

To prepare: Laminate each of the team papers. (it will serve as the teams whiteboard)

Just follow the ppt... it's pretty self explanatory. (I don't feel like writing the whole thing again).  If you have any questions, just ask.

Offline Leahn_6

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #251 on: October 07, 2011, 08:54:21 AM »
Here's my PPT on Lesson 7 Four Days in Austria.  Once again it's pretty straight forward, and follows the lesson well.  I plan to do more fun things during the activities part of the lesson next week.  I have to spread out teaching my lessons, so I start off boring and end on more fun activities and lessons.  I also have some of my own personal trips on the PPT.  So if you want to use it make sure to change or delete those slides.  Thanks.

Offline Leahn_6

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #252 on: October 07, 2011, 08:59:03 AM »
Lesson 8 Animal Partners.  This lesson is pretty straight forward and follows the textbook.  After finishing the lesson I played a game with the students to review the specific aims taught.  This lesson goes pretty fast, and will need an extra activity after finishing it.  Thanks.

Offline fmteacher

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Re: Lesson 10 - Grade 3
« Reply #253 on: October 07, 2011, 11:49:02 AM »
Alright, I will try this again. I wrote the whole lesson plan only to have an error occur and lost everything.... So here goes...

Lesson 10 - Grade 3: Food: A Bridge between Cultures

After speaking with my coteacher, I approached this lesson from the thematic side rather than the form and focus of the chapter.  I don't claim ownership to any of the material provided.  I simply combined a few ppts I found on, made a handout and ta-da.

Lesson plan: Golden bell game (I had to Google it)

To prepare: Laminate each of the team papers. (it will serve as the teams whiteboard)

Just follow the ppt... it's pretty self explanatory. (I don't feel like writing the whole thing again).  If you have any questions, just ask.

This is probably the most amazing powerpoint I've ever seen! How did you do it? I use my school computer and it's so difficult to use powerpoint's effects since everything is in Korean. (Also, I've been trying to save the ppt so I can send it to my co-Teachers to see but it won't let me save...) Just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your hard work  ;D

Offline Tembo

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Daniel Ryan Keller, Grade 3 (pink book), Lesson 9, Part 1
« Reply #254 on: October 07, 2011, 12:25:53 PM »
Attached is my lesson for that class.  While I was unable to find any reference to Daniel Ryan Keller's textbooks on this website, they did use the same colors as others in this thread (Second grade: yellow; Third grade: pink), so I decided to post it here.

The lesson, titled "Economics Helps," was on comparisons (particularly comparing items to see which ones were more expensive), as well as making requests (e.g. Would you ... ?; Could you ... ? Would you mind if ... ?).  The lesson I came up with incorporated all of those, as well as seeing which items students wanted more (not surprisingly, they all wanted the more expensive ones).

The last slide, a link to a game called "Wordshake," involves students being given 16 letters and spelling as many words as they can.  Though it has nothing to do with comparisons or requests, I put it in because my students just finished up their midterms, plus they all seem to like playing it.

Offline KKelley

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #255 on: October 12, 2011, 01:14:53 PM »
Grade 2 Lesson 9

This has been a good lesson for my high level classes.  Maybe a little difficult for the low level classes, I haven't tried it with them yet. 
First I reed the class the True Story of the 3 little pigs.
Then after a short discussion I ask them to write about a story they like from another characters point of view.  Snow White has been the most popular story to retell.
Then I have a handful of students read their story to the class.

I was really impressed with some of their stories, some of the students were very creative.
One pair of students wrote about Snow White from the dwarfs' point of view.  How they did so much to help her and in the end she ignores them and marries the prince.

Have fun!

Offline Jaeesson Teacha

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Lesson 11 - Grade 3
« Reply #256 on: October 17, 2011, 10:26:00 AM »
Heal our earth... Again, I approached it thematically rather than focus on the form of the chapter.  I prepared a lesson about the environment and global warming (please no debate about the validity of global warming)...

I included several videos which are embedded in the ppt. (Money makes the world go round, pollution, greenhouse effects, effects of global warming, plastic bags)

Lesson plan.

1.  Introduce the subject by showing the first video (money makes the world go round
2.  Then just follow the slides - vocab - global warming - effects - solutions
Have students follow with the handout.
3.  Play the environment bomb game.

I'm actually not to fond of this lesson plan as I find it doesn't get the students to communicate enough and is more of a lecture style lesson.  It was kind of last minute and I was running out of ideas.  I used other ppts to make this one. 

If you have any suggestions on how to make this lesson better, please let me know and/or repost the material on here.


Offline Catfish

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #257 on: October 17, 2011, 10:29:56 AM »
Grade 2 Chapter 10
Focus: "Will be able to" "That's Impossible"
Theme: Halloween

Hello Again!

Here are my materials for Grade 2, Chapter 10.  It's pretty straight forward (introduce the grammar points, practice them with regular examples, and then practice them again in the pass-the-bomb game).  Thanks again to the use who introduced the "Pass the bomb" game. 

In addition, here is a "Guess the Monster" Clue Game.  The students have 4 clues to guess the Halloween Monster.  I haven't done this yet so I'm not sure how well it is going to work, but it can be used as a time filler at the end.


Offline mogbert

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #258 on: October 17, 2011, 02:45:02 PM »
Another tip I've found quite useful is to have two bombs going on at the same time.  Depending on the format of your seats, it can be either easy or difficult to pull off.  I have one bomb on opposite ends of the classroom and when the bomb goes off, two people must stand up and complete the dialogue/blank/whatever.

Offline bmcass

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Re: New Middle School English Books 1-green,2-yellow,3-pink
« Reply #259 on: October 17, 2011, 08:58:13 PM »
Can someone give directions how to play the bomb game?