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Author Topic: Middle School English Books (Ji Hak Sa)  (Read 396788 times)

Offline mojussa

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Re: Middle School English Books (Ji Hak Sa)
« Reply #560 on: November 08, 2011, 02:29:34 PM »
Great idea for the Gr.1 Lesson 11 Speaking Mojussa! Saved me hours of head scratching..thanks! And thanks to those who posted about what to do after 3rd grade exams.

I made another Kpop Slam game because I'm at an all girls school and they went NUTS last year when we played Part One,15003.0.html ...that was before I noticed Part 2 had been made,24163.msg174416.html#msg174416

I plan on using that one maybe towards the end of the year. It's great. But I also wanted to share mine which has a lot of different and current songs, but the ZIP is about 484 MB because I use longer video clips. (I always felt they wanted a little more of the song). Does anyone know a way to post a file that big? Tried FileFactory and Hotfile, but they would just crash.

Thanks again for all your great ideas!

Thanks for the shout out.  Did you make a version of K-pop slam?  I too change my version of Kpop slam 1 to my liking. I haven't used kpop slam 2 yet but then again I'm leaving in December so I may not get a chance.  So did you make your own version or are you planning to use the part 2? 
« Last Edit: November 08, 2011, 02:41:05 PM by mojussa »
I'm not a vlogger or blogger, so I make videos of things I do in and around school and Korea.

Offline kns6265

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Re: Middle School English Books (Ji Hak Sa)
« Reply #561 on: November 09, 2011, 12:02:21 PM »
Thanks for all the great ideas, everyone!

Offline dapto1

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Re: Middle School English Books (Ji Hak Sa)
« Reply #562 on: November 13, 2011, 09:41:43 PM »
Sorry, this is what I meant to post - the General Knowledge quiz.
This is amazing, thank you so much!

Offline jderrida

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Re: Middle School English Books (Ji Hak Sa)
« Reply #563 on: November 15, 2011, 10:30:49 AM »
Here's what I've been doing this week for Grade 1 - Lesson 11 - Speaking. My co-teachers mentioned they appreciate that the worksheet and PPT make clear the politeness differences between "Close the...Can you close the...Could you close...Shall we...Let's"...stuff like that.

The PPT borrows from a great Telephone conversation PPT by Dsob, and I used Mojussa's recently posted awesome Kpop listening game for the last bit of the class. Works well. Thanks.

Offline morningdew88

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Re: Middle School English Books (Ji Hak Sa)
« Reply #564 on: November 16, 2011, 09:42:23 AM »
Here's what I've been doing this week for Grade 1 - Lesson 11 - Speaking. My co-teachers mentioned they appreciate that the worksheet and PPT make clear the politeness differences between "Close the...Can you close the...Could you close...Shall we...Let's"...stuff like that.

The PPT borrows from a great Telephone conversation PPT by Dsob, and I used Mojussa's recently posted awesome Kpop listening game for the last bit of the class. Works well. Thanks.

Does anyone have any ideas on grade 1 and 2 lesson 12 reviews?

Offline mojussa

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Re: Middle School English Books (Ji Hak Sa)
« Reply #565 on: November 16, 2011, 01:39:39 PM »
This is a Grade 1 Lesson 9 Reading part Sailor moon bomb game review.  The boys are in a position where they love to hate it.  Its a bomb game so they're still pretty competitive.  I don't know why I didn't think about this earlier but I posted most items in my page.  So enjoy, the Sailor moon game is short but I give credit to user Mitsukaikasei making the Sailormoon game template.  You can add, change, subtract, and edit anything you wish. 

Click here to download Grade1 Lesson 9 Reading Part Sailormoon Bombgame
Click here to download Grade1 Lesson 9 Reading Part Sailormoon Bombgame
I'm not a vlogger or blogger, so I make videos of things I do in and around school and Korea.

Offline hwana

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Re: Middle School English Books (Ji Hak Sa)
« Reply #566 on: November 16, 2011, 01:44:39 PM »
Grade 2 Lesson 11

Reported speech isn't included in the listening/speaking section of the book that I'm supposed to teach, but my co-teachers don't really mind what I do and so I planned this lesson. Reported speech is covered in the grammar section of lesson 11, so it shouldn't be a totally foreign concept! Please bear in mind this lesson is more focused on writing skills, and it was much more successful with my advanced class (my students are divided into two levels).

I've included the materials for both levels. The only real difference is that in the lower level sentences, the subject is always 'I'. In the higher level, students have to transpose sentences where the subject is 'he' or 'she'.

Here's the presentation:
High level:
Low level:

(if you use it, be sure to change the name from Jon!)

I went though the grammar with the examples in the presentation, drawing a table on the whiteboard showing how the sentence changes (under the headings person, verb, 'that', sentence)).

I then gave them a worksheet to complete, with space for them to write their own sentences. This was followed by a listening exercise based on a conversation between me and my co-teacher. After completing the listening, the students had to create 2 senteces to report on what I thought and what I heard in the conversation. (Again, change the name on the worksheet if you use it!)

KT   Wow..the weather is so nice today, isn't it!
NT    Yeah, but I think that it will be cold soon.
KT   I think so, too. By the way, did you hear the news?
NT    No, what is it?
KT   The Wonder Girls' will sing on Music Bank this week!
NT    Are you serious?
KT   Yeah.. they came back to Korea.
Jon   I'm so excited.

The kids really got into the game at the end - I think I'll use this concept again. The game is a 'soccer game' based on an activity on Boggles World ( but adapted for a larger class. I split the class into 2 teams and gave each table a whiteboard (10 tables total - 5 for each team). Using the PPT to display a random card, the kids have to change the sentence and write on their whiteboards. The fastest to hold it up can move the ball forward one space. If the sentence they wrote is incorrect, the ball moves in the other direction. I drew a soccer pitch on the board and moved around a small soccer ball to show who was winning. Obviously if they reach the other side they score a goal!

Offline DevilMogun

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Re: Middle School English Books (Ji Hak Sa)
« Reply #567 on: November 16, 2011, 06:11:03 PM »
Well this isn't really a Ji Hak Sa thing, though I did a lesson on 'books and movies' with one year group to tie in with the theme of a recent chapter.  Still, it's getting close to that time of year where all pretence at teaching goes by the board and is replaced by games.  My co teachers seem relieved about that to be honest.

Anyway, here is a MOVIE QUIZ on a MAPLESTORY quiz template. 

It's big because it's got so many sound files, which I have made as small as possible but still not small enough to make into a 2003 ppt version that can be uploaded here, so only pptx I'm afraid.

Click on the 'listening face' to hear movie theme tunes and snatches of dialogue.  Click anywhere to move to the points slide and on the girl on the bottom right to go to the alphabet slide.  The girl on the bottom left is for wrong answers/no points and goes straight back to the alphabet board. 

You'll need to upload the DANIELA FONT which you can find in the multi-level concept forum under MAPLESTORY if you want to edit anything, or change it.  The original template is also there, along with a 2003-7 version.

Good luck with it - it took me too many hours of concentration and frustration for it to just be used in my classes.  Enjoy.
"She lacks the indefinable charm of weakness" Oscar Wilde

Offline cansom

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Re: Middle School English Books (Ji Hak Sa)
« Reply #568 on: November 17, 2011, 10:47:46 AM »
Grade 2-Lesson 11: The tortoise who talked too much.
Sentence bingo and clap/spin/jump/scream/duck sentence game.

These templates were demonstrated/used in the EPIK October '11 orientation.

Sentence Bingo - It uses a key phrase from the speaking section of the textbook ex. "Today I played basketball. It was exciting, wasn't it". I was not 100% sure how to form the key phrases in this template, but I think it works. Students have to choose any one box from each column to make a sentence and write it down on thier paper. Students stand up and then the teacher removes boxes until one random sentence is left. The student/s left standing, with the same final sentence, is the winner of sentence bingo.

Clap/sping/jump/duck/scream sentence game - Students all stand up. Teacher demonstrates how to play the game (in order, each student must say the next word in the sentence. Ex. Student 1 "Playing", student 2 "sports", student 3 "is", etc.), and if there is an action symbol they must say the word and also do the action. The key phrase I used is from Fun Time A, page 176. I practiced the first slide a couple of times until the students could understand that this was a listening, speaking, and TPR game, and that they had to pay attention (at least to the people in front of them) to play. Once students understood, then I moved to the second screen, if they got the word wrong or the action, then they are out and must sit down. I offered the winner/s, last ones standing candy. You can copy the last slide and add it to the PPT and add more actions to make it more difficult. For my basic level grade 2's, this game ended up taking 20 minutes (a lot longer than I anticipated).

Hope these can help someone who is still on Lesson 11.

Offline cansom

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Re: Middle School English Books (Ji Hak Sa)
« Reply #569 on: November 17, 2011, 11:41:53 AM »
Grade 1-Lesson 11: Star Stories

Clap/sping/jump/duck/scream sentence game (from EPIK Oct.11 Orientation).

 - Students all stand up. Teacher demonstrates how to play the game (in order, each student must say the next word in the sentence. Ex. Student 1 "Do", student 2 "you", student 3 "enjoy", etc.), and if there is an action symbol they must say the word and also do the action. The key phrases I used are from Speaking section with Function File (Do you enjoy watching the stars? Yes, I do. Shall we watch stars together?" I practiced the first slide a couple of times until the students could understand that this was a listening, speaking, and TPR game, and that they had to pay attention (at least to the people in front of them) to play. Once students understood, then I moved to the second screen, if they got the word wrong or the action, then they are out and must sit down. I offered the winner/s, last ones standing, candy for more student motivation (which at this time of the year, is pretty much non-existent!).

Thanks for all your ideas and contributions that have helped me through this semester :)

Offline cansom

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Re: Middle School English Books (Ji Hak Sa)
« Reply #570 on: November 17, 2011, 03:37:19 PM »
Grade 1 - Lesson 11
(Key phrase from Fun Time B, page 156 and Function File 3, page 157).

Here is a hearts/bomb game. Using the images in the game, the students (in teams) must make a sentence related to the picture using the phrase Can you ..., please? For example, with a picture of a dog playing the piano, the students can make a sentence like "Can you help me play the piano, please?" The images are all funny pictures of animals and people so it should be interesting for students.
I played a version of this with my grade 6 at elementary school last week and it went really well, so I altered the key expression to fit this lesson. I am going to play it next week with middle school grade 1's. I would like each team to use a whiteboard to make a sentence and then the first team with a proper sentence can get the point/bomb. My advanced class might be able to make a sentence without writing it down, but I am not counting on it :)

You can really alter this lesson for different expressions to fit the pictures. Enjoy.

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Re: Middle School English Books (Ji Hak Sa)
« Reply #571 on: November 18, 2011, 09:43:45 AM »
I am doing a review class with Grade 3 next week. It covers Lessons 10 & 11. It is just a recap of the my last 2 presentations. I also made a Jeopardy game to go with it. Maybe it will be of some help to someone.

Also, has anyone started Grade 1 Lesson 12 yet. I am stuck for ideas what to do....

Offline mojussa

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Re: Middle School English Books (Ji Hak Sa)
« Reply #572 on: November 22, 2011, 08:42:15 AM »
This is a Grade 1 Lesson 12 Kungfu Panda bomb game going over Listening and speaking parts.  Credit goes to Lynda En rookiewaygook  for this marvelous game.  Also thanks to Devil Mogun because I used many of her questions because they worked well for this lesson from the Fruit ninja game she posted.  Make sure to download everything and put it all into one folder opening it from your desktop.  Also move the SERPNTB.TTF font to the font folder in your control panel.  Both 2003.ppt and 2007.pptx are included.  Lynda's original template and original movie trailer can be downloaded from this post as well,25279.msg181994.html#msg181994

« Last Edit: November 25, 2011, 05:10:42 PM by mojussa »
I'm not a vlogger or blogger, so I make videos of things I do in and around school and Korea.

Offline cansom

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Re: Middle School English Books (Ji Hak Sa)
« Reply #573 on: November 23, 2011, 09:53:02 AM »
G2 - L9-11 Exam Review Super Mario Brothers Game

Hi everyone, here is a Super Mario and Luigi game reviewing lessons 9-11. This game is not your typical Mario Bomb game, it is much more animated, with sounds, and is more exciting to play than the normal Mario games. I got this template from a teacher at my elementary school and think it is very good. I just changed the images and the questions to suit my class review. My students are writing exams on December 6th for the whole week, so I am using this next week to review for the test.
I will be making a grade 1 review using this template and hope to upload it by the end of the day or Monday morning.

I hope someone can use this game or the template.
Best regards.

Offline mojussa

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Re: Middle School English Books (Ji Hak Sa)
« Reply #574 on: November 23, 2011, 10:59:57 AM »
G2 - L9-11 Exam Review Super Mario Brothers Game

Hi everyone, here is a Super Mario and Luigi game reviewing lessons 9-11. This game is not your typical Mario Bomb game, it is much more animated, with sounds, and is more exciting to play than the normal Mario games. I got this template from a teacher at my elementary school and think it is very good. I just changed the images and the questions to suit my class review. My students are writing exams on December 6th for the whole week, so I am using this next week to review for the test.
I will be making a grade 1 review using this template and hope to upload it by the end of the day or Monday morning.

I hope someone can use this game or the template.
Best regards.

Wow Cansom there is A LOT of crazy stuff going on in this game, Thanks for uploading it.  I too will be uploading some other review games for grade 2 and another final review for the remaining lessons for G1.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2011, 07:37:22 AM by mojussa »
I'm not a vlogger or blogger, so I make videos of things I do in and around school and Korea.

Offline Jimjam

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Re: Middle School English Books (Ji Hak Sa)
« Reply #575 on: November 23, 2011, 12:08:27 PM »
wow this is great, I can't even begin to think how I'd make a game like this so thanks to those who do, my kids will love this!

Offline mojussa

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Re: Middle School English Books (Ji Hak Sa)
« Reply #576 on: November 25, 2011, 12:56:56 PM »
This is a Grade 2 Final Review L9-11 Starcraft.  This is basically all the key points in the beginning of the lessons.  I did many editions to this game because I linked it with a world of warcraft bomb game.  This was made Shane/Daejeon and I am thankful for his skill in games for this Miguk Chuseok American Thanksgiving.  His original post and other games you may want to use are listed here,9490.100.html

« Last Edit: November 25, 2011, 02:06:35 PM by mojussa »
I'm not a vlogger or blogger, so I make videos of things I do in and around school and Korea.

Offline dapto1

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Re: Middle School English Books (Ji Hak Sa)
« Reply #577 on: November 25, 2011, 02:19:05 PM »
Cheers mojussa I think I'm going to use that Kung Fu Panda game. It looks really well done, great work.

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Re: Middle School English Books (Ji Hak Sa)
« Reply #578 on: November 25, 2011, 03:01:19 PM »
This is my lesson for Grade 1 Lesson 12 The Garbage Museum. I broke the lesson into 2 parts and taught part 1 this week. The worksheet worked well for the more advanced classes, but the lower level classes where not interested in. Thanks to Mojussa for the Kung Fu Panda game. The kids loved it. I will use it again next week and just change some of the questions around.

For next weeks class, I am going to do a fill in the gap with the song The three R's by Jack Johnson. I haven't tried this kind of activity before so I have no idea how it will go. If you think it might be too easy or difficult, please let me know!!

And also, if anyone has any ideas for Grade 2 Lesson 11 The Tortoise who talked to much, please help me out. I am really stuck with this one...

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Re: Middle School English Books (Ji Hak Sa)
« Reply #579 on: November 28, 2011, 12:37:45 PM »
This is my lesson for Grade 2 lesson 11. I copied DevilMogun's idea and went for a lesson about movie genre's and setting. Some of the material was taken for DevilMogun's lesson, and some other parts were taken from some other peoples lessons.

I taught this lesson this morning to a lower level class, and they seemed to enjoy it. They actually got involved in the lesson for once. First class Monday morning is never fun.

There is an activity at the end of the lesson where we watch some movie trailers and they must write down the genre, plot and setting on a handout.